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Market Facilities and Supply

The City Market House is centrally located in a
large open space known as "Market Square," and here
are offered for sale farm products from a large surrounding

The city is fortunately situated in regard to its agricultural
surroundings, as it is in the center of the rich
and fertile Roanoke Valley.

Contiguous thereto, and within easy reach are the
counties of Botetourt, Bedford, Franklin, Floyd and
Montgomery, which for diversity of soil and variety of
product cannot be surpassed in any section of the

The soil as a rule is a rich, loamy, chocolate clay on
which can be grown a variety of crops.

It is particularly adapted to the cultivation of wheat,
Indian corn, hay, buckwheat, barley and rye, as well as
vegetables of every description.

Fruits of all kinds flourish in this locality, and as a
result the canning industry has grown to considerable

The business of trucking and gardening has also
grown to be an important factor in the farming industry
in this vicinity, and residents of Roanoke, can always be
assured of procuring fresh vegetables and other farm
products at the City Market.

The reputation of apples raised in this locality has
become international.

The famous Bent Mountain Pippin is purchased
extensively for export trade, its delicate flavor and fine
keeping qualities making it a specially desirable fruit
for long-distance shipment, as well as for home consumption.

Within the past ten years thousands of acres of fruit
trees have been planted, and fruit culture is becoming
an important branch of farming throughout this section.
