University of Virginia Library



All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.”—Ps. xxv. 10.

All Thy ways Mercy are and Truth,
The light of life, eternal youth,
For those that walk in simple trust;
The darkest road is very bright
And sweet and sown with secret light,
Thy choicest gems are in the dust.
Jesus, Thy Love's most precious bound
Is never sought till it is found.
The pathway of the Cross is good,
And every step where Christ hath stood
Is right and beautiful and blest;
The mourning ground where tears are shed
And where we bury our dear dead,
Even as we bury them is best;
Gold gleameth where the world counts dross,
The inward gains are outward loss.
All Thy ways Mercy are and Truth,
For gleaners after Thee like Ruth
Who can be patient too and still;
For those that wait upon Thee, Lord,
Pluck sweetness from the martyr's sword
And purest peace from restless ill;
They see Thy Christly sway in all,
The crown, the Cross, the cattle stall.