![]() | The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley | ![]() |
Wilt Thou, O Lord, regard my tears,
The fruit of guilt and fear?
Me, who Thy justice have provoked,
O, will Thy mercy spare?
The fruit of guilt and fear?
Me, who Thy justice have provoked,
O, will Thy mercy spare?
Yes; for the broken contrite heart,
Saviour, Thy sufferings plead:
O, quench not then the smoking flax,
Nor break the bruised reed!
Saviour, Thy sufferings plead:
O, quench not then the smoking flax,
Nor break the bruised reed!
Thy poor unworthy servant view,
Resign'd to Thy decree;
Ordain me or to live or die,
But live or die in Thee!
Resign'd to Thy decree;
Ordain me or to live or die,
But live or die in Thee!
Upon Thy gracious promise, Lord,
My humbled soul is cast!
O, bear me safe through life, through death,
And raise me up at last!
My humbled soul is cast!
O, bear me safe through life, through death,
And raise me up at last!
Low as this mortal frame must lie,
This mortal frame shall sing,
“Where is thy victory, O grave!
And where, O death, thy sting!”
This mortal frame shall sing,
“Where is thy victory, O grave!
And where, O death, thy sting!”
I felt my heart, and found a chillness cool
Its purple channels in my frozen side;
The spring was now become a standing pool,
Deprived of motion and its active tide.
O, stay! O, stay!
I ever freeze if banish'd from Thy ray:
A lasting warmth Thy secret beams beget;
Thou art a Sun which cannot rise or set.
Its purple channels in my frozen side;
The spring was now become a standing pool,
Deprived of motion and its active tide.
O, stay! O, stay!
I ever freeze if banish'd from Thy ray:
A lasting warmth Thy secret beams beget;
Thou art a Sun which cannot rise or set.
Then thaw this ice, and make my frost retreat,
But let with temperate rays Thy lustre shine:
Thy judgments lightning, but Thy love is heat;
Those would consume my heart, but this refine.
Inspire! inspire!
And melt my soul with Thy more equal fire;
So shall a pensive deluge drown my fears,
My ice turn water, and dissolve in tears.
But let with temperate rays Thy lustre shine:
Thy judgments lightning, but Thy love is heat;
Those would consume my heart, but this refine.
Inspire! inspire!
And melt my soul with Thy more equal fire;
So shall a pensive deluge drown my fears,
My ice turn water, and dissolve in tears.
After Thy love, if I continue hard,
If sin again knit and confirm'd be grown,
If guilt rebel, and stand upon his guard,
And what was ice before freeze into stone;
Reprove! reprove!
Thy power assist Thee to revenge Thy love.
Lo, Thou hast still Thy threats and thunder left;
The heart that can't be melted may be cleft!
If sin again knit and confirm'd be grown,
If guilt rebel, and stand upon his guard,
And what was ice before freeze into stone;
Reprove! reprove!
Thy power assist Thee to revenge Thy love.
Lo, Thou hast still Thy threats and thunder left;
The heart that can't be melted may be cleft!
Long have I view'd, long have I thought,
And trembling held this bitter draught;
'Twas now just to my lips applied,
Nature shrank in, my courage died:
But now resolved and firm I'll be,
Since, Lord, 'tis mixt and given by Thee.
And trembling held this bitter draught;
Nature shrank in, my courage died:
But now resolved and firm I'll be,
Since, Lord, 'tis mixt and given by Thee.
I'll trust my Great Physician's skill,
What He prescribes can ne'er be ill:
For each disease He knows what's fit,
He's wise and good, and I'll submit:
No longer will I grieve or pine;
Thy pleasure 'tis, it shall be mine.
What He prescribes can ne'er be ill:
For each disease He knows what's fit,
He's wise and good, and I'll submit:
No longer will I grieve or pine;
Thy pleasure 'tis, it shall be mine.
Thy med'cine puts me to great smart,
Thou wound'st me in the tenderest part;
But 'tis with a design to cure;
I must and will Thy touch endure:
All that I prized below is gone;
Yet still, Father, Thy will be done.
Thou wound'st me in the tenderest part;
But 'tis with a design to cure;
I must and will Thy touch endure:
All that I prized below is gone;
Yet still, Father, Thy will be done.
Since 'tis Thy sentence I should part
With what was nearest to my heart,
I freely that and more resign;
Behold, my heart itself is Thine:
My little all I give to Thee;
Thou hast bestow'd Thy Son on me.
With what was nearest to my heart,
I freely that and more resign;
Behold, my heart itself is Thine:
My little all I give to Thee;
Thou hast bestow'd Thy Son on me.
He left true bliss and joy above,
Emptied Himself of all but love;
For me He freely did forsake
More than from me He e'er can take:
A mortal life for a divine
He took, and did even that resign.
Emptied Himself of all but love;
For me He freely did forsake
More than from me He e'er can take:
A mortal life for a divine
He took, and did even that resign.
Take all, Great God, I will not grieve,
But still wish I had still to give.
I hear Thy voice, Thou bidd'st me quit
My paradise, and I submit;
I will not murmur at Thy word,
Nor beg Thee yet to sheathe Thy sword.
But still wish I had still to give.
I hear Thy voice, Thou bidd'st me quit
My paradise, and I submit;
Nor beg Thee yet to sheathe Thy sword.
O Sun of Righteousness, arise,
With healing in Thy wing!
To my diseased, my fainting soul
Life and salvation bring.
With healing in Thy wing!
To my diseased, my fainting soul
Life and salvation bring.
These clouds of pride and sin dispel
By Thy all-piercing beam;
Lighten mine eyes with faith, my heart
With holy hope inflame.
By Thy all-piercing beam;
Lighten mine eyes with faith, my heart
With holy hope inflame.
My mind by Thy all-quickening power
From low desires set free;
Unite my scatter'd thoughts, and fix
My love entire on Thee.
From low desires set free;
Unite my scatter'd thoughts, and fix
My love entire on Thee.
Father, Thy long-lost son receive;
Saviour, thy purchase own;
Blest Comforter, with peace and joy
Thy new-made creature crown!
Saviour, thy purchase own;
Blest Comforter, with peace and joy
Thy new-made creature crown!
Eternal, undivided Lord,
Co-equal One and Three!
On Thee all faith, all hope be placed,
All love be paid to Thee!
Co-equal One and Three!
On Thee all faith, all hope be placed,
All love be paid to Thee!
[Altered from Herbert.]
But that Thou art my wisdom, Lord,
And both my eyes are Thine,
My soul would be extremely stirr'd
At missing my design.
And both my eyes are Thine,
My soul would be extremely stirr'd
At missing my design.
Were it not better to bestow
Some place or power on me?
Then should Thy praises with me grow,
And share in my degree.
Some place or power on me?
Then should Thy praises with me grow,
And share in my degree.
But while I thus dispute and grieve,
I do resume my sight;
And pilfering what I once did give,
Disseize Thee of Thy right.
I do resume my sight;
And pilfering what I once did give,
Disseize Thee of Thy right.
How know I, if Thou shouldst me raise,
That I should then raise Thee?
Perhaps my wishes and Thy praise
Do not so well agree.
That I should then raise Thee?
Perhaps my wishes and Thy praise
Do not so well agree.
Therefore unto my gift I stand,
I will no more advise:
Only do Thou lend me a hand,
Since Thou hast both mine eyes.
I will no more advise:
Only do Thou lend me a hand,
Since Thou hast both mine eyes.
Father, I stretch my hands to Thee,
No other help I know:
If Thou withdraw Thyself from me,
Ah! whither shall I go?
No other help I know:
If Thou withdraw Thyself from me,
Ah! whither shall I go?
What did Thy only Son endure
Before I drew my breath!
What pain, what labour to secure
My soul from endless death!
Before I drew my breath!
What pain, what labour to secure
My soul from endless death!
O Jesu, could I this believe,
I now should feel Thy power;
Now my poor soul Thou wouldst retrieve,
Nor let me wait one hour.
I now should feel Thy power;
Now my poor soul Thou wouldst retrieve,
Nor let me wait one hour.
Author of faith, to Thee I lift
My weary, longing eyes;
O, let me now receive that gift!
My soul without it dies.
My weary, longing eyes;
O, let me now receive that gift!
My soul without it dies.
Surely Thou canst not let me die!
O, speak, and I shall live!
And here I will unwearied lie,
Till Thou Thy Spirit give.
O, speak, and I shall live!
And here I will unwearied lie,
Till Thou Thy Spirit give.
The worst of sinners would rejoice,
Could they but see Thy face:
O, let me hear Thy quickening voice,
And taste Thy pardoning grace.
Could they but see Thy face:
O, let me hear Thy quickening voice,
And taste Thy pardoning grace.
Meek, patient Lamb of God, to Thee
I fly; Thy meekness give to me:
I choose Thee for my life, my crown,
I pant to have Thee all my own:
Thou seest my heart, Thou know'st my love,
From Thee I never will remove;
No shame I fear, no pain, or loss,
But gladly follow to the cross.
I fly; Thy meekness give to me:
I choose Thee for my life, my crown,
I pant to have Thee all my own:
Thou seest my heart, Thou know'st my love,
From Thee I never will remove;
No shame I fear, no pain, or loss,
But gladly follow to the cross.
Make clean as wool my filthy heart,
Wash white as snow my every part:
Give me in stillness to sustain
Whate'er Thy wisdom shall ordain.
Carve for Thyself in me, and make
My heart Thy lamb-like image take:
Yea, slay me, Lord, and offer me
A pure burnt sacrifice to Thee.
Wash white as snow my every part:
Give me in stillness to sustain
Whate'er Thy wisdom shall ordain.
Carve for Thyself in me, and make
My heart Thy lamb-like image take:
A pure burnt sacrifice to Thee.
Bind, Father, hand and foot Thy son,
Nor leave the work till all be done;
O, never let me, Lord, go free,
Till all my heart's resign'd to Thee:
Then quickly to the altar lead,
And suffer me no more to plead:
No longer with the' old Adam bear;
Lead on, dear Lord, consume him there.
Nor leave the work till all be done;
O, never let me, Lord, go free,
Till all my heart's resign'd to Thee:
Then quickly to the altar lead,
And suffer me no more to plead:
No longer with the' old Adam bear;
Lead on, dear Lord, consume him there.
[Jesu, Thy soul renew my own]
Jesu, Thy soul renew my own,
Thy sufferings for my sins atone:
Thy sacred body slain for me,
From sin and misery set me free.
Thy sufferings for my sins atone:
Thy sacred body slain for me,
From sin and misery set me free.
The water issuing from Thy side
The soldier's spear had open'd wide,
That bathe my heart, and all Thy blood
Refresh and bring me near to God.
The soldier's spear had open'd wide,
That bathe my heart, and all Thy blood
Refresh and bring me near to God.
The blood-sweat trickling from Thy face
Prevent my coming in disgrace:
Thy holy passion, death, and tomb
Shall screen me from the wrath to come.
Prevent my coming in disgrace:
Thy holy passion, death, and tomb
Shall screen me from the wrath to come.
O Jesu, grant this my request!
Take, hide me quite in Thy dear breast,
And make me in Thy wounds to dwell
Secure from all the fiends of hell.
Take, hide me quite in Thy dear breast,
And make me in Thy wounds to dwell
Secure from all the fiends of hell.
Call me in my last agony,
And bring me, O my God, to Thee;
That I, with all Thy saints above,
May never cease to praise Thy love.
And bring me, O my God, to Thee;
That I, with all Thy saints above,
May never cease to praise Thy love.
Come, let us join our God to bless,
And praise Him evermore;
That Father of the fatherless,
That Helper of the poor.
And praise Him evermore;
That Father of the fatherless,
That Helper of the poor.
Our dying parents us forsake;
His mercy takes us up,
Kindly vouchsafes His own to make,
And God becomes our hope.
His mercy takes us up,
Kindly vouchsafes His own to make,
And God becomes our hope.
For us He in the wilderness
A table hath prepared;
Us whom His love delights to bless,
His providence to guard.
A table hath prepared;
Us whom His love delights to bless,
His providence to guard.
Known unto Him are all our needs;
And, when we seek His face,
His open hand our bodies feeds,
Our souls He feeds with grace.
And, when we seek His face,
His open hand our bodies feeds,
Our souls He feeds with grace.
Then let us in His service spend
What we from Him receive;
And back to Him what He shall send
In thanks and praises give.
What we from Him receive;
And back to Him what He shall send
In thanks and praises give.
Father of Mercies, hear our prayers
For those that do us good;
Whose love for us a place prepares,
And gives the orphans food.
For those that do us good;
Whose love for us a place prepares,
And gives the orphans food.
Their alms in blessings on their head
A thousand-fold restore;
O, feed their souls with living bread,
And let their cup run o'er.
A thousand-fold restore;
O, feed their souls with living bread,
And let their cup run o'er.
For ever in thy Christ built up,
Thy bounty let them prove,
Steadfast in faith, joyful through hope,
And rooted deep in love.
Thy bounty let them prove,
Steadfast in faith, joyful through hope,
And rooted deep in love.
For those who kindly founded this,
A better house prepare;
Remove them to thy heavenly bliss,
And let us meet them there.
A better house prepare;
Remove them to thy heavenly bliss,
And let us meet them there.
Let us go forth, 'tis God commands;
Let us make haste away;
Offer to Christ our hearts and hands:
We work for Christ to-day.
Let us make haste away;
Offer to Christ our hearts and hands:
We work for Christ to-day.
When He vouchsafes our hands to use,
It makes the labour sweet;
If any now to work refuse,
Let not the sluggard eat.
It makes the labour sweet;
If any now to work refuse,
Let not the sluggard eat.
Who would not do what God ordains,
And promises to bless?
Who would not 'scape the toil and pains
Of sinful idleness?
And promises to bless?
Who would not 'scape the toil and pains
Of sinful idleness?
In vain to Christ the slothful pray:
We have not learn'd Him so:
No; for He calls Himself the Way
And work'd Himself below.
We have not learn'd Him so:
No; for He calls Himself the Way
And work'd Himself below.
Then let us in His footsteps tread,
And gladly act our part;
On earth employ our hands and head,
But give Him all our heart.
And gladly act our part;
On earth employ our hands and head,
But give Him all our heart.
How happy they, O King of kings!
How safe, how truly blest,
Who under Thy protecting wings
Both shelter find and rest!
How safe, how truly blest,
Who under Thy protecting wings
Both shelter find and rest!
Them wilt Thou lead, them wilt Thou keep,
And with Thine arm uphold;
O blessed Shepherd! blessed sheep
Of Israel's sacred fold!
And with Thine arm uphold;
O blessed Shepherd! blessed sheep
Of Israel's sacred fold!
Nor does the tender wandering lambs
His kindly care disdain;
He knows them better than their dams,
And better does sustain.
His kindly care disdain;
He knows them better than their dams,
And better does sustain.
Behold, His flock from every side
He is assembling still;
And may He all in safety guide
To Sion's sacred hill.
He is assembling still;
And may He all in safety guide
To Sion's sacred hill.
If thither He will us convey,
Nor our mean vows despise,
Our hearts we'll on His altars lay
A grateful sacrifice.
Nor our mean vows despise,
Our hearts we'll on His altars lay
A grateful sacrifice.
To God the Father, and the Son,
And Spirit, One in Three,
As is, and was e're time begun,
Eternal glory be.
And Spirit, One in Three,
As is, and was e're time begun,
Eternal glory be.
[To Thee, O Father of mankind]
To Thee, O Father of mankind,
Shall our glad hymns ascend:
To anger slow, to love inclined;
Thy goodness knows no end.
Shall our glad hymns ascend:
To anger slow, to love inclined;
Thy goodness knows no end.
The poor and needy from the dust
'Tis Thy delight to raise,
Who in the' assemblies of the just
Will still record Thy praise.
'Tis Thy delight to raise,
Who in the' assemblies of the just
Will still record Thy praise.
Each hand and heart that lend us aid,
Thou didst inspire and guide;
Nor shall their love be unrepaid,
Who for the poor provide.
Thou didst inspire and guide;
Nor shall their love be unrepaid,
Who for the poor provide.
The choicest of Thy blessings shower
On those who us have blest!
Unfailing streams of bounty pour
On every bounteous breast.
On those who us have blest!
Unfailing streams of bounty pour
On every bounteous breast.
Gather those outcasts who remain
Exposed as we before;
So shall our still increasing train
With louder songs adore.
Exposed as we before;
So shall our still increasing train
With louder songs adore.
[When to the temple we repair]
When to the temple we repair,
A numerous joyful throng,
Our praise shall fill the house of prayer;
The Lord's our strength and song.
A numerous joyful throng,
Our praise shall fill the house of prayer;
The Lord's our strength and song.
Should we be wanting to rejoice,
Through deadness or delays,
The stones themselves would find a voice
To celebrate His praise.
Through deadness or delays,
The stones themselves would find a voice
To celebrate His praise.
He found us in the desert wide,
And did from thence remove:
Still may He us vouchsafe to guide,
And lead with bands of love.
And did from thence remove:
Still may He us vouchsafe to guide,
And lead with bands of love.
He is our Comforter and Light,
We on His manna feed;
His cloud by day, His fire by night
To heavenly Canaan lead.
We on His manna feed;
His cloud by day, His fire by night
To heavenly Canaan lead.
To those calm happy seats may He
In safety us convey,
With all whose love and piety
Have placed us in the way.
In safety us convey,
With all whose love and piety
Have placed us in the way.
To the blest co-eternal Three
Whom earth and heaven adore,
As was, and is, all glory be,
Till time shall be no more.
Whom earth and heaven adore,
As was, and is, all glory be,
Till time shall be no more.
[O Thou, whose wisdom, power, and love]
O Thou, whose wisdom, power, and love,
For all Thy works provide;
Which those vast orbs that roll above,
And our low centre guide.
For all Thy works provide;
Which those vast orbs that roll above,
And our low centre guide.
The rich, the poor, the mean, the great,
Are link'd by Thy strong hands;
Poised on its base, the work's complete,
The firm composure stands.
Are link'd by Thy strong hands;
Poised on its base, the work's complete,
The firm composure stands.
The meanest worm that creeps on earth
Is not below Thy care;
And we, although of humble birth,
Thy Godlike bounty share.
Is not below Thy care;
And we, although of humble birth,
Thy Godlike bounty share.
Whoe'er Thy Being dare dispute,
Are silenced here with ease;
The stones themselves would them confute,
If we should hold our peace.
Are silenced here with ease;
The stones themselves would them confute,
If we should hold our peace.
The' Almighty be their strong defence,
And multiply their store,
Who still concur with Providence
To aid and bless the poor.
And multiply their store,
Who still concur with Providence
To aid and bless the poor.
[Father of Mercy, hear our prayer]
Father of Mercy, hear our prayer,
In Thee we move and live:
How slow to wrath, how prone to spare,
And ready to forgive!
In Thee we move and live:
How slow to wrath, how prone to spare,
And ready to forgive!
Thou chiefly dost Thy boundless power
In acts of goodness show;
Thy mercy all Thy works adore,
Thence all our blessings flow.
In acts of goodness show;
Thy mercy all Thy works adore,
Thence all our blessings flow.
This still shall be our grateful theme,
Thy praise we'll ever sing;
Our friends the kind refreshing stream,
But Thou the' unfailing Spring.
Thy praise we'll ever sing;
Our friends the kind refreshing stream,
But Thou the' unfailing Spring.
Our joy would soon o'erflow the banks,
And inundations raise,
Did we not thus look down with thanks,
And look to heaven with praise.
And inundations raise,
Did we not thus look down with thanks,
And look to heaven with praise.
To God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Holy Ghost,
Who yet are not three Gods, but One,
Revered by all His host;
And God the Holy Ghost,
Who yet are not three Gods, but One,
Revered by all His host;
The blest, eternal Trinity,
Whom heaven and earth adore,
All honour, praise, and glory be
Both now and evermore.
Whom heaven and earth adore,
All honour, praise, and glory be
Both now and evermore.
Again the kind revolving year
Has brought this happy day,
And we in God's blest house appear,
Again our vows to pay.
Has brought this happy day,
And we in God's blest house appear,
Again our vows to pay.
Our watchful guardians, robed in light,
Adore the heavenly King;
Ten thousand thousand seraphs bright
Incessant praises sing.
Adore the heavenly King;
Ten thousand thousand seraphs bright
Incessant praises sing.
They know no want, they feel no care,
Nor ever sigh as we;
Sorrow and sin are strangers there,
And all is harmony.
Nor ever sigh as we;
Sorrow and sin are strangers there,
And all is harmony.
If aught can there enhance their bliss,
Or raise their raptures higher,
New joys in heaven, at sights like this,
New anthems fill the choir.
Or raise their raptures higher,
New joys in heaven, at sights like this,
New anthems fill the choir.
With what resembling care and love
Both worlds for us appear!
Our friendly guardians, those above;
Our benefactors here.
Both worlds for us appear!
Our friendly guardians, those above;
Our benefactors here.
[Triumphal notes, and hymns of joy]
Triumphal notes, and hymns of joy,
To Thee our God we'll sing;
Thy praises shall our lips employ,
O Salem's peaceful King!
To Thee our God we'll sing;
Thy praises shall our lips employ,
O Salem's peaceful King!
Thou mak'st the world obey Thy will,
Whose will is always best;
Thy word bids winds and waves be still,
And chides them into rest.
Whose will is always best;
Thy word bids winds and waves be still,
And chides them into rest.
Thy sacred Spirit on Jordan's stream
Decended like a dove;
Thou didst from wrath and sin redeem;
Thy law is peace and love.
Decended like a dove;
Thou didst from wrath and sin redeem;
Thy law is peace and love.
That law, by our kind patrons' care,
We now are daily taught;
Though once far off, we now are near,
As those to Jesus brought.
We now are daily taught;
Though once far off, we now are near,
As those to Jesus brought.
May He to every bounteous friend
His favour still increase,
Till they and we with Him ascend
To everlasting peace.
His favour still increase,
Till they and we with Him ascend
To everlasting peace.
Lift up your heads, ye lofty gates;
Unfold, each spacious door;
For here the King of Glory waits
With blessings for the poor.
Unfold, each spacious door;
For here the King of Glory waits
With blessings for the poor.
'Twas love Divine, 'twas sovereign grace,
True bounty's endless spring,
Did us so near God's altars place,
Where we may pray and sing.
True bounty's endless spring,
Did us so near God's altars place,
Where we may pray and sing.
To psalms and hymns we may aspire,
If anthems are too high;
And follow the celestial choir
In decent harmony.
If anthems are too high;
And follow the celestial choir
In decent harmony.
With holy souls we here may meet,
And learn their songs Divine;
Their Hallelujahs loud and sweet
With our Hosannas join.
And learn their songs Divine;
Their Hallelujahs loud and sweet
With our Hosannas join.
How blest, if always thus we might
The coming hours employ,
And singing pass to realms of light,
And endless worlds of joy!
The coming hours employ,
And singing pass to realms of light,
And endless worlds of joy!
On this auspicious happy day
What incense shall we bring?
What grateful humble homage pay
To an Almighty King?
What incense shall we bring?
What grateful humble homage pay
To an Almighty King?
Be His dread name on earth confest,
As 'tis by those above!
What is the' employment of the blest,
But songs of praise and love?
As 'tis by those above!
What is the' employment of the blest,
But songs of praise and love?
The breath from heaven we did receive,
We thus in hymns restore;
And while we on His bounty live,
We'll wonder and adore.
We thus in hymns restore;
And while we on His bounty live,
We'll wonder and adore.
Rescued from want, and vice, and shame
We'll all our future days
Our great Creator's love proclaim,
And live but to His praise.
We'll all our future days
Our great Creator's love proclaim,
And live but to His praise.
May heart, and voice, and life combine,
His goodness to express;
May all that hear us with us join,
And our Redeemer bless.
His goodness to express;
May all that hear us with us join,
And our Redeemer bless.
[Father of Lights, to Thee, from whom]
Father of Lights, to Thee, from whom
Each perfect gift descends;
To Thee with humble prayers we come,
For all our bounteous friends.
Each perfect gift descends;
To Thee with humble prayers we come,
For all our bounteous friends.
Blessings, the payment of the poor,
Our lips and hearts return:
May Heaven, which gave, augment their store,
And comfort those that mourn!
Our lips and hearts return:
May Heaven, which gave, augment their store,
And comfort those that mourn!
O that we better could improve
What's in such plenty sown!
But dews of grace are from above,
Our wants and sins our own.
What's in such plenty sown!
But dews of grace are from above,
Our wants and sins our own.
Only the lowly and the meek
Shall rest of mind obtain:
Such followers does our Saviour seek,
Such shall His kingdom gain.
Shall rest of mind obtain:
Such followers does our Saviour seek,
Such shall His kingdom gain.
Thither may we be safe convey'd,
When life's rough storms are o'er,
And all who give their friendly aid
To help us to the shore.
When life's rough storms are o'er,
And all who give their friendly aid
To help us to the shore.
To God the Father, and the Son,
And Spirit, One and Three,
As is, and was, for time to come,
Eternal glory be!
And Spirit, One and Three,
As is, and was, for time to come,
Eternal glory be!
[To Thee, O Lord, our God and King]
To Thee, O Lord, our God and King,
Whose mercies ne'er decay,
We thus in artless numbers sing,
And thus our praise we pay.
Whose mercies ne'er decay,
We thus in artless numbers sing,
And thus our praise we pay.
Whate'er is human ebbs and flows,
As wasting time prevails;
But grace Divine no changes knows,
Charity never fails.
As wasting time prevails;
But grace Divine no changes knows,
Charity never fails.
From thence flow plenteous streams and clea
And may they never cease:
'Tis you who plant and water here,
'Tis God that gives the' increase.
And may they never cease:
'Tis you who plant and water here,
'Tis God that gives the' increase.
May He your pious alms regard,
Your warmth of zeal approve;
With ample blessings still reward
The labour of your love.
Your warmth of zeal approve;
With ample blessings still reward
The labour of your love.
May all the pleasing pains you share
Be crown'd with wish'd success;
The present age applaud your care,
And future ages bless!
Be crown'd with wish'd success;
The present age applaud your care,
And future ages bless!
We lift our hearts to Thee,
O Day-star from on high!
The sun itself is but Thy shade,
Yet cheers both earth and sky.
O Day-star from on high!
The sun itself is but Thy shade,
Yet cheers both earth and sky.
O, let Thy orient beams
The night of sin disperse;
The mists of error and of vice
Which shade the universe!
The night of sin disperse;
The mists of error and of vice
Which shade the universe!
How beauteous nature now!
How dark and sad before!
With joy we view the pleasing change,
And nature's God adore.
How dark and sad before!
With joy we view the pleasing change,
And nature's God adore.
O, may no gloomy crime
Pollute the rising day!
Or Jesu's blood, like evening dew,
Wash all the stains away.
Pollute the rising day!
Or Jesu's blood, like evening dew,
Wash all the stains away.
May we this life improve,
To mourn for errors past,
And live this short-revolving day
As if it were our last.
To mourn for errors past,
And live this short-revolving day
As if it were our last.
To God the Father, Son,
And Spirit, One and Three,
Be glory, as it was, is now,
And shall for ever be.
And Spirit, One and Three,
Be glory, as it was, is now,
And shall for ever be.
All praise to Him who dwells in bliss,
Who made both day and night;
Whose throne is darkness, in the' abyss
Of uncreated light.
Who made both day and night;
Whose throne is darkness, in the' abyss
Of uncreated light.
Each thought and deed His piercing eyes
With strictest search survey:
The deepest shades no more disguise
Than the full blaze of day.
With strictest search survey:
The deepest shades no more disguise
Than the full blaze of day.
Whom Thou dost guard, O King of kings,
No evil shall molest;
Under the shadow of Thy wings
Shall they securely rest.
No evil shall molest;
Under the shadow of Thy wings
Shall they securely rest.
Thy angels shall around their beds
Their constant stations keep:
Thy faith and truth shall shield their heads,
For Thou dost never sleep.
Their constant stations keep:
Thy faith and truth shall shield their heads,
For Thou dost never sleep.
May we with calm and sweet repose,
And heavenly thoughts refresh'd,
Our eyelids with the morn's unclose,
And bless the Ever-bless'd.
And heavenly thoughts refresh'd,
Our eyelids with the morn's unclose,
And bless the Ever-bless'd.
Vain man, of mortal parents born,
Know thou art born to die!
How frail our state, how short our life,
How full of misery!
Know thou art born to die!
How frail our state, how short our life,
How full of misery!
As flowers from mother-earth we rise,
A fading bloom we spread;
As soon we waste and pass away
Among the' unnumber'd dead.
A fading bloom we spread;
As soon we waste and pass away
Among the' unnumber'd dead.
As shadows glide o'er hills and dales,
And yet no tracks appear;
So swift we vanish hence; our souls
Have no abiding here.
And yet no tracks appear;
So swift we vanish hence; our souls
Have no abiding here.
The mourners go about the streets
With solemn steps and slow;
Thus must it be for you and me,
To the same home we go.
With solemn steps and slow;
Thus must it be for you and me,
To the same home we go.
So teach us, Lord, to number out
Our life's uncertain days,
We sweetly may our heart apply
To heavenly wisdom's ways.
Our life's uncertain days,
We sweetly may our heart apply
To heavenly wisdom's ways.
O holy Lord! O mighty God!
When we resign our breath,
Then save us from the bitter pains
Of everlasting death.
When we resign our breath,
Then save us from the bitter pains
Of everlasting death.
Jesu, God of our salvation,
Hear our call; Save us all
By Thy death and passion.
Hear our call; Save us all
By Thy death and passion.
Jesu, see Thine helpless creature;
Bow the skies; God, arise,
All Thy foes to scatter.
Bow the skies; God, arise,
All Thy foes to scatter.
Jesu, manifest Thy glory
In this hour, Show Thy power,
Drive Thy foes before Thee.
In this hour, Show Thy power,
Drive Thy foes before Thee.
Jesu, help, Thou serpent-bruiser;
Bruise his head, Woman's Seed,
Cast down the accuser.
Bruise his head, Woman's Seed,
Cast down the accuser.
Jesu, wound the dragon, wound him;
Make him roar, Break his power,
Let Thine arm confound him.
Make him roar, Break his power,
Let Thine arm confound him.
Jesu, come, and bind him, bind him;
Let him feel His own hell,
Let Thy fury find him.
Let him feel His own hell,
Let Thy fury find him.
Jesu, than the strong man stronger,
Enter Thou; Let Thy foe
Keep Thee out no longer.
Enter Thou; Let Thy foe
Keep Thee out no longer.
Suffer him no more to harm her;
Make her clean, Purge her sin,
Take away his armour.
Make her clean, Purge her sin,
Take away his armour.
Jesu, mighty to deliver,
Satan foil, Take the spoil,
Make her Thine for ever.
Satan foil, Take the spoil,
Make her Thine for ever.
Jesu, all to Thee is given:
All obey, Own Thy sway,
Hell, and earth, and heaven.
All obey, Own Thy sway,
Hell, and earth, and heaven.
Jesu, let this soul find favour
In Thy sight; Claim Thy right,
Come, O come and save her.
In Thy sight; Claim Thy right,
Come, O come and save her.
From the hand of hell retrieve her;
Jesu, Lord, Speak the word,
Bid the tempter leave her.
Jesu, Lord, Speak the word,
Bid the tempter leave her.
Hide her till the storm be over;
King of kings, Spread Thy wings,
Christ, her weakness cover.
King of kings, Spread Thy wings,
Christ, her weakness cover.
Jesu, wherefore dost Thou tarry?
Hear Thine own, Cast him down,
Quell the adversary.
Hear Thine own, Cast him down,
Quell the adversary.
Jesu, shall he still devour?
Is Thine ear Slow to hear?
Hast Thou lost Thy power?
Is Thine ear Slow to hear?
Hast Thou lost Thy power?
Shorten'd is Thy hand, O Saviour?
Save her now, Show that Thou
Art the same for ever.
Save her now, Show that Thou
Art the same for ever.
O omnipotent Redeemer,
Hell rebuke With Thy look,
Silence the blasphemer.
Hell rebuke With Thy look,
Silence the blasphemer.
Jesu, all his depths discover;
All unfold, Loose his hold,
Let the charm be over.
All unfold, Loose his hold,
Let the charm be over.
Jesu, is it past Thy finding?
Find and show, Break the vow,
And let it not be binding.
Find and show, Break the vow,
And let it not be binding.
Break the dire confederacy:
Shall it stand? No: command.
Say, “'Tis I release thee.”
Shall it stand? No: command.
Say, “'Tis I release thee.”
Satan, hear the name of Jesus,
Hear and quake; Give her back
To the Name that frees us.
Hear and quake; Give her back
To the Name that frees us.
Jesu, claim Thy ransom'd creature,
Let the foe Feel and know
Thou in us art greater.
Let the foe Feel and know
Thou in us art greater.
Strengthen'd by Thy great example
Let us tread On his head,
On his kingdom trample.
Let us tread On his head,
On his kingdom trample.
Drive him to the' infernal region;
Chace, O chace, To his place,
Though his name be legion.
Chace, O chace, To his place,
Though his name be legion.
Is not faith the same for ever?
Let us see Signs from Thee,
Following the believer.
Let us see Signs from Thee,
Following the believer.
Praise by all to Christ be given;
Let us sing, Christ the King,
King of earth and heaven.
Let us sing, Christ the King,
King of earth and heaven.
Glory to the name of Jesus;
Jesu's name Still the same,
From all evil frees us.
Jesu's name Still the same,
From all evil frees us.
Jesu's name the conquest won us;
Let us rise, Fill the skies,
With our loud Hosannas.
Let us rise, Fill the skies,
With our loud Hosannas.
Christ, Thou in our eyes art glorious:
We proclaim Christ the Lamb,
Over all victorious.
We proclaim Christ the Lamb,
Over all victorious.
Lion of the tribe of Judah,
Joyfully, Lo! to Thee
Sing we Hallelujah.
Joyfully, Lo! to Thee
Sing we Hallelujah.
Hell was ready to devour;
Thou the prey Bear'st away
Out of Satan's power.
Thou the prey Bear'st away
Out of Satan's power.
See the lawful captive taken
From the foe! Now we know
Satan's realm is shaken.
From the foe! Now we know
Satan's realm is shaken.
Thou hast shown Thyself the stronger;
Still go on, Put it down,
Let it stand no longer.
Still go on, Put it down,
Let it stand no longer.
Overturn it, overturn it,
Down with it, Let the feet
Of Thy servants spurn it.
Down with it, Let the feet
Of Thy servants spurn it.
Surely now the charm is broken:
Thou hast shown To Thine own,
Thou hast given a token.
Thou hast shown To Thine own,
Thou hast given a token.
Is there any divination
Against those Thou hast chose
Heirs of Thy salvation?
Against those Thou hast chose
Heirs of Thy salvation?
Thou hast bought, and Thou wilt have us:
Who shall harm, When Thine arm
Is stretch'd out to save us?
Who shall harm, When Thine arm
Is stretch'd out to save us?
Hell in vain against us rages;
Can it shock Christ the Rock
Of eternal ages!
Can it shock Christ the Rock
Of eternal ages!
Satan, wilt thou now defy us?
Is not aid For us laid
On our great Messias?
Is not aid For us laid
On our great Messias?
Past is thine oppressive hour:
Where's thy boast? Baffled, lost:
Where is now thy power?
Where's thy boast? Baffled, lost:
Where is now thy power?
Serpent, see in us thy Bruiser;
Feel His power, Fly before
Us, thou foul accuser.
Feel His power, Fly before
Us, thou foul accuser.
Thou no longer shalt oppress us:
Triumph we Over thee
In the name of Jesus.
Triumph we Over thee
In the name of Jesus.
O, look not, Lord, on my desert,
But on Thy glory; for Thou art
The mighty God, I a weak worm!
Destroy me not; but, O, reform!
But on Thy glory; for Thou art
The mighty God, I a weak worm!
Destroy me not; but, O, reform!
Put me not to eternal shame,
Unfaithful steward as I am:
I have consumed Thy goods; yet, O,
Thy mercy, not Thy vengeance, show!
Unfaithful steward as I am:
I have consumed Thy goods; yet, O,
Thy mercy, not Thy vengeance, show!
Suffer not an Egyptian night
To cover me, though long Thy light
I have despised; yet 'gainst vile clay
Do not Almighty power display.
To cover me, though long Thy light
I have despised; yet 'gainst vile clay
Do not Almighty power display.
God of compassion, Lord of love,
The vials of Thy wrath remove;
Look where the' atoning blood doth stand,
And quench Thy wrath, and stay Thy hand.
The vials of Thy wrath remove;
Look where the' atoning blood doth stand,
And quench Thy wrath, and stay Thy hand.
Thou art both Judge and Saviour, Lord,
Both life and death attend Thy word;
O, hear; O, spare me; O, forgive
Once more, and yet my soul shall live.
Both life and death attend Thy word;
O, hear; O, spare me; O, forgive
Once more, and yet my soul shall live.
![]() | The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley | ![]() |