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The Shine of Grace.
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The Shine of Grace.

Thy Grace, sweet Grace, is glory sparkling bright
That glorifies the Day wherein it shines
In radient beams of blessed Gospell light
That fly from Holy Lips of true Divines
Not mudded with the dirt of sinfull times.


Alia, alas! we bury thee in griefe,
Thy Paradise of Spices Joys farewell.
At Antioch one Theodore's beliefe
Was preacht but what the light that from him fell
Whether a Sun beam fog'd or bright, none tell[.]
Africk, thy Glory too doth pickled ly,
In briny tears. We've not a word of thee.
Are all thy Lights blown out? We none can Spy.
The mid sea Ilands too. How darke they bee?
Where one bright Lights did shine we none now see.
Europe Evangelizd we come to thee
To try the Lights in thy Bellconies set
For passengers to guide aright that bee
At Sea with hoised Sayles that they may get
Into the Harbour of Good Hope their net[.]
In Thrace we finde but few. Theophylact
Constantinoples Light Epitomisd
Brave Chrysostom, but his Circingle slackt
To let in many Errours which disguisd
His flame. The rest are lesser to be prizd.
Poor Greece, thy Lights are gone. Hungary too
Soon slips from Christ when Charles the Great was dead.
But Geyse Hungarie's King did Christ een shew
And Pilgrine Bothave's bishop back them led
To Gospell Laws: with Wilfgang's hand and head.
At Hamborough Adolward did teach the Word
And to the Vandals held out Gospell Grace.
Methodius Marovia's bishop, spurd
With holy Zeale Bohemy's king in place
And Queen he gains the Gospell to embrace.
Cyrill his brother follows in his Seate
And many of the Sclaves he over brings
Unto the Gospell, then he Rome did treate
That in their Native tongue Christ law might ring
A voice from Heaven then did do the thing[.]


The eastward Vandalls, whose chiefe tribes we call
Polabs, and Obatrits, Kissins and still
The Winuli, and Circipans withall
Not gaind to Christ, do feel the Gospell Skill
In wining them thereto in minde and Will.
Religion now doth Spring in Prussia
Polonia too the Gospell now accepts
Brought first by merchants from Bohemia.
The Swedes that from the faith withdrew respects
Erick their King their Paganry Corrects.
A Pagan priest, the people standing by,
While he was offering his Sacrifice
Is smitten blinde. He turn'd to Christ his Cry,
And so miraculously gain'd his eyes
And now to preach the Gospel up doth rise.
He down doth batter Idols, people throng
Unto the Faith seing this Wonder Wrought.
Erick sends for, and Christian Doctors come
And Adalward and Stephen soon them taught
And Breme was then Metropolis its thought.
Othincare Alb, a priest of noble race
In pious Zeale his Office doth attend
In Zeland and in Scandia tendering Grace.
Volkward of Aldenburgh his journey bends
To Norway and the Gospell seed thence sends.
Gorma that Cankerworm king of the Danes
Had almost rooted out the Gospell thence
Till Henry King the first him quells, sustains
The Gospell. And sends Unni for defence
There of from Hamburgh who did truth dispense.
Some say that Bruno Colens Bishop brought
Nortalbingens, Holface, and Denmarke too
Stormar, yea and the Dithmar nations naught
With mighty pains, and Cost to Christs faith true.
Some say by fire Ordeal, this grew.


Otho the first a mighty multitude
Of Saxon Pagans to the Faith constrain'd
And in his reign authors have also Shew'd
The Livons, Escons, Curons also gain'd
With Luzats and Norwegians Converts nam'de.
Albert, Son of King of Sclavonia,
That won Bohemy, Prage enjoyd their Light.
But doing little good there, went away
With others, and the Hungars taught with might
And hath an harvest plentious a Brave Sight.
Thence to the Poles he goes, there favour findes,
Miecislaus Duke give the Archbishoprick
Of Gnesn to him, but hence soon he windes
To the Borussi them to teach who kick:
And nigh Fisshausen slay him. (Darkness thick!)
For, whose dead Corps Boteslaus the Duke
Of Poland gave the Pagans so much gold
As it would weigh, and gain'd it by this hook
And it interrd with Honours manifold
At Gnesn solemnly as we are told.
In Fulda Ralph the monke with learning shone
At Hirsauge Blind Edelhard did fore shew
His death three years before hand, and made known
The ruin of the Abby there most true
Full eighty years before the place did rue.
In England Smaragd and monke Serle are said
With Glory bright of lear[n]ing to arise.
But with a brighter Shine indeed ore laid
The marri'd ministers whose holy guise
Oppose the pope, that Dunstan's Divell Cries
Spain, Italy, France, Germany also
And other lands do gallant men out bring
Of Wisdom, Learning and of Glorious show
But they, as pious, are describd to cling
And give advance to Rome's greate man of Sin.


No doubt but greater Gospell Glory far
Of Grace and Holiness did others tend
Fixt in a lower Orb, than any Star
Fixt in archbishopricks that did extend
Its influence on Such that have them pend.
And hence, as lower Shines, though far more high
The Methamatick overlooks while he
Lies gazing on the Stars, these are passt by
By th'Pen men of the times, that could not see
Dazzled by glorys that on Prelates bee.
The which as worldly and not Gospell Shines
Filling all Bishops sleeves in ev'ry place
I do not mention: but bewaile these times
So gloriously out shining to disgrace
The Gospell, and its Holy Shine out race.