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Page 174


In the following description of courses, the number of hours represents the
amount of time each student devotes to the course. In addition to the hours
scheduled in the third and fourth years of the course, each student devotes a
considerable amount of time to practical work which does not appear in the
schedule, but the satisfactory performance of which is essential to graduation.
Thus the taking of histories, the visits to his cases in the hospital, assisting at
operations, attendance upon cases of labor, the employment of microscopical and
chemical methods of diagnosis in the hospital, require much time which it has
not seemed possible to record in a rigid schedule. It should, however, be stated
that each student in the fourth year gives at least two hundred hours to this
required but unscheduled practical work.

The session, exclusive of the time devoted to examination, is divided into a
fall term of twelve weeks, a winter term of ten weeks, and a spring term of ten


Anatomy 1.Six hours weekly until November 1; twelve hours weekly
from November 1 to the end of the second term.
This course begins with
a systematic study of the bones, on the completion of which a part is assigned
to each student for dissection and study. On the completion of this course and
Anatomy 3 each student has dissected a lateral half of the body. The student
obtains his knowledge at first hand and by his own personal efforts. The satisfactory
performance of the laboratory work is essential to a passing grade.
Dr. Bean and Dr. Baker.

Anatomy 2.Six hours weekly during the third term. This course consists
in a laboratory study of the anatomy of the central nervous system carried
out in considerable detail. The gross anatomy of the spinal cord and brain is
first considered, on the completion of which sections of the more important regions
are studied carefully with the aid of the microscope. Fresh brains and
series of sections of the cord and brain are thoroughly used. Dr. Bean and
Dr. Baker.

Histology.Three lectures or recitations and eight hours of laboratory
work weekly until November 1; three lectures or recitations and six hours of
laboratory weekly from November 1 to the end of the second term.
This course
aims to acquaint the student with the microscopic structure of cells, tissues, and
organs. Cytogenesis and histogenesis are briefly considered in the case of many
tissues studied. The relation of histology to physiology and pathology is constantly
kept in view. The student is also given opportunity to acquaint himself
with the principles and practice of histological technique.

A record of seventy per cent in this course is required for admission to
Physiology, and of eighty per cent for admission to Pathology. Dr. Jordan,
assisted by Mr. Pagenstecher.

Embryology.Nine hours weekly during the third term. The laboratory
work (six hours weekly) with sections and dissections of mammalian embryos, is
supplemented by lectures, recitations, and the study of models. The course aims


Page 175
to give the student a knowledge of developmental processes, in the light of which
he may the better understand the more abstruse normal conditions of adult
anatomy, as well as many anomalies and variations, neoplasms and malformations.
Dr. Jordan, assisted by Mr. Pagenstecher.

Organic Chemistry.Lectures and recitations three hours weekly, laboratory
work six and eight hours weekly, respectively, during the first and second
This course includes the systematic study of organic chemistry, with
special reference to substances of importance in their relation to medicine. The
course lays a thorough foundation for subsequent work in Physiological Chemistry,
Pharmacology, etc.

During the second term the laboratory work includes quantitative determinations
of immediate importance in Physiological Chemistry, such as the
estimation of sugar, total nitrogen, uric acid, ammonia, etc.

A record of seventy per cent on this course is required for admission to
Physiological Chemistry. Dr. Venable.

Physiological Chemistry.Three lectures, three recitations and nine hours
of laboratory work weekly during the third term.
The structure, properties
and reactions of the more important compounds which the student meets in his
subsequent medical study. The laboratory work, continuing that of Organic
Chemistry, includes the study of fats, soaps, fatty acids, and proteins; blood,
milk, bile; the digestive enzymes, and extensive qualitative and quantitative
work on urine.

A grade of seventy per cent on this course is required for admission to
Physiology. Dr. Hough, assisted by Mr. Massie, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Hoover.


Anatomy 3.—Ten hours weekly through the first and second terms. This
course is the continuation of Anatomy 1, and consists of the systematic dissection
and study, by essentially the same methods, of the parts not studied
during the first year. In addition, a course is given in topographic anatomy,
with the aid of cross sections of the human body. At the end of this course a
practical examination is given, covering the work of Anatomy 1, 2 and 3.
Dr. Bean and Dr. Baker.

Physiology.Four hours work weekly of lectures, recitations and demonstrations
throughout the year. Six hours weekly of laboratory work in the
first and second terms.
The physiology of muscle and nerve; blood and
lymph; the circulation; respiration; secretion; digestion and nutrition, and
the central nervous system. The work of the laboratory closely follows the
lectures as an integral part of the study of each subject.

Open only to students who have obtained a grade of seventy per cent in
Histology and in Physiological Chemistry. The satisfactory completion of the
laboratory work of this course is necessary for admission to Pharmacology.
Dr. Hough, assisted by Mr. Setzler and Mr. Strange.

Bacteriology and Pathology.Twelve hours weekly throughout the session
and two additional hours a week in the third term.
The work in pathology is
open only to students who have obtained a record of passed in Histology.


Page 176

Bacteriology and pathology are taught in a combined course. Emphasis is
laid upon the medical and public health aspects of bacteriology. Practical studies
in infection and immunity form part of the course. Autopsies and the study of
gross and microscopic specimens supply the practical work accompanying the
systematic study of pathology.

Opportunity is given selected students for advanced work. Dr. Marshall,
assisted by Mr. McCutchan and Mr. Carter. The technician in Pathology is
Miss Lila Thornton.

Pharmacology.Five hours of lectures, recitations and demonstrations and
six hours of laboratory work during the third term.
In this course a study
is made of the chemical characteristics and physiological action of representative
drugs from the different pharmacological groups. An average grade of
seventy per cent on the first two terms of Physiology together with the satisfactory
completion of the laboratory work of Physiology is required for admission
to the course. Dr. Waddell, assisted by Mr. Strange.

Journals.—In connection with the work in Physiology, Pathology and
Pharmacology, the second-year students meet with their instructors for one
hour each week from the first of December to the end of the session for reports
and discussion of the current literature of the above sciences. Three reports
are made at each meeting by the students.

Physical Diagnosis.Four hours weekly during the third term. Instruction
is given in the principles and methods of physical examination. Attention
is especially given to study of the normal subject. Dr. Flippin and Dr.


Materia Medica.Three hours of lectures and recitations and three hours
of laboratory work weekly during the first half of the third year.
The more
important drugs and preparations of the Pharmacopœia, together with newer
non-official remedies which bid fair to attain or have attained considerable use,
form the subject of study. In the laboratory the student becomes familiar
with the peculiarities and methods of preparation of the different preparations
of the Pharmacopœia, as well as with the solubilities and other characteristics
of the more important drugs. Especial attention is paid to chemical and pharmaceutical
incompatibility. Prescription writing is dealt with by lecture and
frequent practical exercises. Dr. Waddell, assisted by Mr. Strange.

Toxicology.Three hours of lectures and recitations and three hours of
laboratory work weekly during the last half of the second term.

This course is, to a considerable extent, a review of the pharmacological
actions of poisons and their antagonists. The treatment of poisoning is dealt
with in detail. Some attention is given to the methods of separation and
identification. Dr. Waddell, assisted by Mr. Strange.

Clinical Diagnosis.Six hours weekly during the first and second terms.
In this course the student is made familiar with those laboratory methods
which are helpful in the diagnosis of disease. These include, among others,
the examination of blood, urine, sputum, gastric contents, feces, spinal fluid,


Page 177
exudates and transudates. Instruction is given in the recently completed Clinical
Laboratory in the north pavilion of the hospital, which is well equipped with
the most modern instruments and apparatus. Dr. Bray.

Theory and Practice of Medicine.Three hours weekly of lectures and
recitations throughout the session; nine hours weekly in the clinics for one-half
the session.
A systematic course of lectures, supplemented by work in the
out-patient department and hospital. The class is divided into two sections,
each of which devotes itself for half the year to the medical service in the
out-patient department, and also twice a week receives instruction on selected
cases in the wards of the hospital. There is a general medical clinic once a
week in the hospital amphitheater. Dr. Davis, Dr. Flippin, Dr. Daniel,
Dr. Nelson
and Dr. Smith.

Surgery and Gynecology.Five hours weekly of lectures and recitations,
and two hours weekly of surgical clinic throughout the session; with six hours
weekly in the out-patient department, two hours weekly in ward rounds in the
hospital, and one hour weekly in X-ray diagnosis for one-fourth the session.

The study of surgery begins in the third year and continues through the
fourth year. In the third year the classroom work consists of lectures and
recitations, as arranged in the schedule, in which the principles and practice of
surgery, surgical diseases, surgical diagnosis, etc., are thoroughly discussed.
This also includes the surgical specialties, orthopedics, genito-urinary surgery,

The out-patient department course in the third year gives opportunities for
diagnosis and treatment of clinical cases under close personal supervision.
Experience in dressings, bandaging, anesthesia and minor surgery is afforded.
Surgical appliances and technique are demonstrated to the students, divided into
small groups.

The work in gynecology follows closely the outlines already described for
surgery. The general principles of gynecology are taken up in lectures and
recitations. In addition, the out-patient department affords practice in palpation,
diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Watts, Dr. Goodwin, Dr. Neff, Dr. Woodberry
and Dr. Wright.

Obstetrics.Five hours weekly of lectures, recitations and manikin demonstrations
during the year,
supplemented by work with patients in the wards
of the hospital.

The class is divided into sections of five for manikin instruction and for
examination of patients in the hospital. The manikin course forms an important
part of the work, not only for teaching presentation, position and posture,
but also the mechanism of normal and abnormal labor and the application of
forceps. When the section is taken into the wards of the hospital, the methods
of examination, particularly abdominal palpation, are practiced on the living
subject. Dr. Macon.


Theory and Practice of Medicine.—The same plan is followed in the
clinical work as that already described for the third year, each of the two
sections of the class devoting itself for half the year to the medical service in


Page 178
the wards of the hospital. Full histories are taken of every case, thorough
examinations made, and management indicated by the students of each division.
These records are considered in the final grading of the student.

The subjects treated with the approximate division of time between them
are as follows:

Nervous Diseases and Insanity.Three lectures and recitations weekly,
supplemented by clinical work during the first term.
In this course is given
also instruction in electro-therapeutics. Dr. Davis.

Pediatrics.Three lectures and recitations weekly, supplemented by clinical
work during the second term.
This course of lectures is intended to point
out in a brief way how disease is modified by childhood and to indicate how
the difficulties of diagnosis and treatment due to early age may best be encountered.
The principles of infant feeding are emphasized and the student is taught
how to prepare the food. Dr. Davis and Dr. Rea.

Dermatology.—A brief course of lectures is given on this subject, embodying
a consideration of the commoner diseases met with in medical practice.

Case Teaching, Medical Ethics and Economics, and Insurance Exam-
Two hours weekly during the third term. Dr. Davis.

Therapeutics.—The treatment of internal diseases is discussed in a systematic
course of lectures and practically demonstrated in the wards of the
hospital. Especial attention is given to the bedside teaching of this subject,
the student being required to follow closely and make a record of the results
of the therapeutic agents employed in cases assigned to him. Dr. Flippin.

Surgery and Gynecology.Two hours weekly of surgical clinic throughout
the session; three hours weekly of ward classes, supplemented by clinical
work in the wards and operating room for one-half the session with each of the
two sections of the class.

Instruction in surgery is carried on by clinics and bedside demonstrations
in the hospital. In the wards the students are assigned cases, whose histories
they must take. They must also make complete physical and clinical examinations,
urine analyses, blood examinations, etc. In the ward rounds the diagnosis,
operative and other treatment, post-operative care of the cases, complications,
prognosis, etc., are discussed in detail. A large variety of cases is available,
and the close contact of the students with their cases and with the routine of
hospital management offers many of the opportunities that an internship affords.

In the operating rooms the students, in small groups, take part in the
operations, thus acquiring familiarity with technique, anesthetization, etc. Those
of the class who are not assisting witness the operations, whose important
features are demonstrated to them.

In gynecology the students have the same general work as in surgery,
consisting of the examination and the recording of the cases in the public
wards, attendance on ward rounds, at which the cases are discussed, and observation
and assistance in the operating rooms. Dr. Watts, Dr. Goodwin, Dr.
Neff, Dr. Woodberry
and Dr. Wright.

In addition to the above course, required of all students, the following
elective course is offered in the Department of Surgery:


Page 179

Surgical Pathology.—An optional course. Two hours weekly during one-half
the session.

This course is intended to supplement the general courses in pathology
and surgery and consists of lectures upon the pathology of surgical lesions,
demonstrations of fresh tissues obtained from the operating rooms, and examination
of microscopic sections.

The student reviews pathological technique and frozen section work is
emphasized. Dr. Goodwin, assisted by Mr. Hawthorne.

Clinical Pathological Conferences.—One hour weekly is assigned for
the study of pathologic material in connection with the clinical aspects of cases
coming to autopsy. A history of the case is presented by the student in charge,
the autopsy is reviewed, the tissue and microscopic sections are examined, and
all the information thus derived is collated and contrasted. Dr. Marshall.

Obstetrics.—The student attends, under the guidance of an instructor, the
labor cases in the hospital, and is required to prepare the history of patients and
to follow up the cases through the puerperium. Instruction is also given in the
care of the new-born. In addition the student has the opportunity of attending
patients in the out-patient department, and each student is expected to attend
at least six cases of labor. Dr. Macon.

Forensic Medicine.One lecture weekly during one term of the fourth
Dr. Waddell.

Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.Two lectures weekly during
the first two terms, supplemented by regular two- to three-hour clinics twice
weekly throughout the session and clinical lectures to sections of the class as
suitable cases occur.

The class is divided into small sections and each student is taught the
methods of examination and the use of the ophthalmoscope, head-mirror, and
of the laryngeal and post-nasal mirrors. In the clinics each patient is assigned
to a student, who must take the history and keep the record of that patient; the
case is then demonstrated by the professor in charge, and, if possible, each
student makes his own examination under the personal supervision of the
attending physician. Clinical cases are abundant, and during the year the
student sees and handles practically all the common diseases of the eye, ear and
upper respiratory tract. Dr. Hedges and Dr. Compton.

Hygiene.One hour weekly throughout the session, and thirteen additional
hours in the second term.

The course begins with a historical sketch of the developments of preventive
medicine, including short biographical sketches of the pioneers of
hygiene. With this introduction the story of the natural history of contagious
and infectious diseases, modes of propagation and methods of prevention
engage the attention of the student. With this preparation, the chemical and
bacteriological contamination of food, water, air and soil is made an important
study. Instruction is also begun in the proper location and construction of
habitations, hospitals, schoolhouses, etc., with special reference to the modern
methods of heating, ventilating and draining. Notice is taken of the special
relations involved in military and naval hygiene. Dr. Lambeth.