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Jesus, from whom dominion springs,
The faithful Counsellor of kings,
The sovereign Lord Thou art;
Thy Spirit on our king bestow,
Who only dost the mazes know
Of man's deceitful heart.
By factious demagogues gainsaid,
By fawning sycophants betray'd,
Who boast their loyalty,
How can he judge, or choose aright,
Unless assisted by Thy light,
And taught himself by Thee?
Do Thou the true discernment give,
Whom to reject, and whom receive
His royal toils to share;
O point him out, where'er conceal'd,
The upright man, with wisdom fill'd,
An empire's weight to bear.
The man with heavenly courage bold,
Above the lust of fame or gold,
Detach'd and unconfined,
A foe to every selfish end,
Religion's and his country's friend,
A friend to all mankind.
Not for himself but others made,
His country and his king to aid
With talents large endow'd;
Out of the throng Thy servant choose,
A vessel fitted for Thy use,
And for Britannia's good.


Him as a guardian angel send,
Our feuds, and woes, and wars to end,
Our sinking state to raise;
Brethren in lasting bonds to join,
And then confess—the work is Thine,
And give Thee all the praise.
So shall our happy monarch see
His kingdoms in prosperity,
Through Thy uniting power;
The Source of all our blessings own,
And prostrate at Thy gracious throne
The King of kings adore.