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The Grecian Story

Being an Historical Poem, in Five Books. To which is Annex'd The Grove: Consisting of Divers Shorter Poems upon several Subjects. By J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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Alighting there, his Face i'th' Gate descry'd
Third Courtier strait through Windows glass uney'd;
Who had like Aim, news then brought from his Wife;
And guessing Veldar's Plot, lest Rival-strife,
Walk'd to the King near hand in's Gallery;
Spring-lock'd that Door for time more large and free;
Soon got the Grant: those Persons all so great,
That who first spake was sure to do the Feat:
So pass'd through furthest Door to Garden known,
Since cropt this Flow'r of State Triumphant grown.
Veldar strait reach'd the Door, which finding clos'd,
Some thoughts the King might private be dispos'd.
Paus'd there a while; tho trod but thorny Ground,
To th' furthest Door then trac'd through Garden round;
Which Friendlike open stands, the King at leisure,
His Suit prefer'd who answer'd to small pleasure,
Another came before: did strangely amaze;
As tho some envious Sprite the News should blaze.
Groom to that Last walk'd by howe're, indeed
When th' Herse preparing was, with nimbler Speed
The Wife inform'd (lodg'd not far off) agen:
Thus, Veldar might have kept his Bed till then.