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The Shamrock

or, Hibernian Cresses. A Collection of Poems, Songs, Epigrams, &c. Latin as well as English, The Original Production of Ireland. To which are subjoined thoughts on the prevailing system of school education, respecting young ladies as well as gentlemen: with practical proposals for a reformation [by Samuel Whyte]

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OCCASIONAL PROLOGUE To the Tragedy of Cato, perform'd by young Gentlemen.

The World's a Stage,” as you'll in Shakespeare read,
But few, I have heard, on this or that succeed;
And, as in Manhood, so it holds at School,
Some play the Sage, and Numbers play the Fool—
But which is this the Child's or Parent's Fault?
Why neither, Truth to speak, act as they ought—
At Random sent—but at the least Expence!
We babble Lilly, spight of common Sense;
Wild Gantlopes, then, from School to School we run,
Smattering from Branch to Branch—digesting none—
And Pedants quit what Ignorance begun.
But grant, in Science, one in ten advances,
'Tis not from Conduct—all the Effect of Chance is.
By Instinct led, or crude Advices blinded,
Neither Time, nor Place, nor Circumstance, is minded;
Experience, Reason, Justice, urge in vain,
Custom prevails, and Prejudices reign.


Hence, many a Swift, neglected, scours a Trench,
While Plowmen preach, and Dunces load the Bench.
Thus, here, observe, a Case in Point comes pat in,
Great Newton's Self was a mere Dolt at Latin;
And Pit, with all his Powers, was scarcely able
To learn, we are told, his Numeration Table.
By philologic Doctrine, strange and new,
Now all must shine, Newtons and Chathams too,
And Popes and Virgils—should we fail to shew,
—Hush!—'tis the Master's Fault; not Ours, you know.
We cannot err—dear Mothers, a'n't it true?
We are all Perfection, or all Blindness you:
Yet, were you in his Place, 'twould little please ye,
We'd try your Patience, faith! we'd set you crazy—
Young Sulky by his Tutor once reprov'd,
Swell'd with Revenge, and vow'd he'd be remov'd;
And lo! a Miracle! to make it good,
A Bottle of red Ink was turn'd to Blood!
He smear'd his Shirt, and Abigail, his Friend,
Alarm'd Mamma! and so he gain'd his End;
And every Tea Table throughout the Nation
Branded the Tyrant's Name, and tore his Reputation!
But why all this? methinks I hear you say,
And how connected with a private Play?
Nay, look not grave! indeed I mean no Satire,
I only “hold the Mirror up to Nature.”
'Tis said, from Babes and Sucklings you may learn;
Then pray attend—'tis Matter of Concern—
We plead our Years too—I am, Sirs, only seven,
Our Marcia's nine, her Father scarce eleven:
But with great Cato's Sentiments impress'd,
Honour and filial Reverence fill each Breast.


Lead you the Way, throw Prejudice aside,
Let Candour judge, and cool Discretion guide;
Shew, by Example, more than Precept can,
What forms the great, the virtuous happy Man;
Fir'd with the View, and panting after Fame,
Heirs to your Love, we'll well approve our Claim,
“And emulate the Greek and Roman Name.”


  • Cato, Master Whyte.
  • Lucius, Master George Carleton.
  • Sempronius, Master John Bird.
  • Juba, Master Anthony Gore.
  • Syphax, Master Marnell.
  • Marcus, Master William Holmes.
  • Portius, Master Lynam.
  • Decius, Master William Irvine.
  • Marcia, Master Nugent.
  • Lucia, Master Gibson.
  • The Prologue, Master Richard Holmes.

Dancing between the Acts, by Master M'Neil; and Singing by Master Bird.

This Play was twice performed by the young Gentlemen of the English Grammar-School, as above, first at the little Theatre in Capel-street, December 24, 1771, with the Addition of an Ode to Peace, written by a very young Lady of Quality, Pupil to Mr. Whyte, spoken by Master Lynam; and afterwards at the particular Desire of the Audience, their Parents, and Friends, at the Theatre-Royal, Crow-street, January 2, 1772, for the Relief of the Debtors confined in the several Marshalseas, with the Addition of Dryden's Alexander's Feast, by Master Whyte. The Marquis of Kildare, the Earl of Bellamont, and Lord Dunluce, were nominated, and condescended to be Trustees to the Charity. The Receipts, 162l. 5s. 8d. were duly accounted for, and paid into their Hands, which was properly disposed of, and distributed accordingly.

See Page 65, of this Work.