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Collected poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt

Edited by Kenneth Muir and Patricia Thomson

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[Dyvers dothe vse as I have hard and kno]

Dyvers dothe vse as I have hard and kno,
Whan that to chaunge ther ladies do beginne
To mourne and waile and neuer for to lynne
Hoping therbye to pease ther painefull woe.
And some therbe that whan it chansith soo
That women change and hate where love hath bene,
Thei call them fals and think with woordes to wynne
The hartes of them wich otherwhere dothe gro.


But as for me though that by chaunse indede
Change hath outworne the favour that I had,
I will not wayle, lament, nor yet be sad,
Nor call her fals that falsley ded me fede,
But let it passe and think it is of kinde
That often chaunge doth plese a womans minde.