University of Virginia Library


[xviii] [Contemplation of Inuisible Excellencies aboue, by the Visible below.]

If with such passing Beautie, choise Delights,
The Architect of this great Round did frame
This Pallace visible (short listes of Fame,
And sillie Mansion but of dying Wights)
How many Wonders, what amazing Lights
Must that triumphing Seat of Glorie clame,
That doth transcend all this great Alls vaste hights,
Of whose bright Sunne ours heere is but a Beame?
O blest abod! O happie dwelling-place!
Where visiblie th' Invisible doth raigne,
Blest People which doe see true Beauties Face,
With whose farre Dawnings scarce he Earth doth daigne:
All Ioy is but Annoy, all Concord Strife,
Match'd with your endlesse Blisse and happie life.