University of Virginia Library



[God of love, Thy gracious token]

God of love, Thy gracious token
We with thankful hearts receive,
Thou the fowler's snare hast broken,
Saved from death by Thee we live.
Hitherto Thou hast defended
Us who on Thy love are cast,
Keep, till all the storm is ended,
All the hour of darkness pass'd.
Still beset with various evils,
Secret foes implacable,
Brethren false, and human devils,
We beneath Thy shadow dwell;
Place on Thee our whole reliance,
Every other help disclaim,
Bid our enemies defiance,
From the tower of Jesus' name.
In each hellish insurrection
Thou shalt still Thy people hide,
Safe in the Divine protection
All Thy faithful ones abide:
Here we find Thy presence cheering,
Happy in beholding Thee;
Happier at Thy last appearing,
Glorious as the God we see!