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Songs of A Wayfarer

By William Davies

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'Twas Christmas eve, and the old minster clock
Had scarcely clanged a muffled twelve and ceased,
With dull vibration humming through the stone,
Crocket and finial, struggling towards the sky,
And lost itself, and found itself, and ceased;
As I lay wakeful, on the verge of sleep:
Now saw the moonbeam on the wall, and now
Lost will and motion in enchanted dreams,
When a rare strain came floating down the street,
Tender and low as though soft snow-flakes fell
On snow-flakes, making music; thus it ran:
When underneath the night the swelling plain
Of Bethlehem lay dumb from rim to rim—
Shine on us from thy radiant realms afar!—
The watching shepherds with mysterious awe
First saw thee fill the heavens with light and sang:
Shine on us from thy radiant realms afar!
And angel-voices fell: Glory to God
In the highest: on earth peace: good will towards men.
Shine on us from thy radiant realms afar!
Still be our pilot to the Just and True;
And lead us to the Christ we love and seek.
Shine on us from thy radiant realms afar!


And let his love be on us, blessing all;
And grant us charity to feel for all.
Shine on us from thy radiant realms afar!
So may the great Good Shepherd gather us,
One fold in bliss and glory, light and love.
Shine on us from thy radiant realms afar!
Then, lingering, died. From land to land I roved
Through a white world: pure white with Christmas snow
That lay beneath a heaven sole-tenanted
By one bright star: more bright than moon or sun;
Where little children walked in robes of white,
And men and women, clothed in sinless white,
In bands, or two and two, with clean white hands
And holy faces steeped in inward bliss,
Walked the white world, and sang in rapturous joy,
On mount, in vale, or where the limitless sea
Slept like an angel in unbroken rest:
Shine on us from thy radiant realms, sweet Star!
York, Christmas 1860.