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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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CXCVI. 2 Kings, Chap. XIII. Ver. 20, 21.

Elisha's Death and Burial. A dead Man rais'd by touching his Body.

At length 'tis done, the Saint augments the Bless'd,
And Angels hymn his Soul to endless Rest:
How long a Pomp his Fun'ral Rites attends,
What Tears were shed by his and Virtue's Friends,
No Time to tell, or with what tuneful Verse
The Prophet's Sons adorn'd their Master's Hearse:
But with a decent Tomb at length they trust,
His lov'd, his dear Remains, and sacred Dust.
The Vulgar and the Great to Earth descend;
How e're unlike their Life, in this the same their End.
Nor long before a base ignoble Name,
Who ne're was worth the Register of Fame;
The many joyn'd, and him his Neighbors bear
Lamenting to his humble Sepulcher:
When loe of Moab's Sons a roving Band,
Who Jordan's Foords had cross'd, invades the Land.


The People saw, and from the Grave they fled,
More careful of the Living than the Dead;
But in the Prophet's Tomb with happy haste,
The Carcass yet immovable they cast;
Whose Bones no sooner toucht, to Life he rose,
And from his Iron-Sleep his Eyes unclos'd:
Or from the sacred Corps such Virtue spread,
As ev'n cou'd after Death revive the Dead;
Or rather Heav'n his Virtues did attest,
When his bright Soul was rang'd among the Bless'd.
This, as it will, the Man his Life renew'd,
And shrouded as he was, the Crowd pursu'd:
Shriek'd the Spectators when from Earth he rose,
And dread the Living Ghost beyond th'invading Foes.