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An Ode.
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An Ode.

[Hellen, did Homer never see]

Hellen , did Homer never see
Thy beauties, yet could write of thee?
Did Sappho on her seven-tongu'd Lute,
So speake (as yet it is not mute)
Of Phaos forme? or doth the Boy
In whom Anacreon once did joy,
Lie drawne to life, in his soft Verse,
As he whom Maro did rehearse?
Was Lesbia sung by learn'd Catullus?
Or Delia's Graces, by Tibullus?
Doth Cynthia, in Propertius song
Shine more, then she the Stars among?
Is Horace his each love so high
Rap't from the Earth, as not to die?
With bright Lycoris, Gallus choice,
Whose fame hath an eternall voice.
Or hath Corynna, by the name
Her Ovid gave her, dimn'd the fame


Of Cæsars Daughter, and the line
Which all the world then styl'd devine?
Hath Petrarch since his Laura rais'd
Equall with her? or Ronsart prais'd
His new Cassandra, 'bove the old,
Which all the Fate of Troy foretold?
Hath our great Sydney, Stella set,
Where never Star shone brighter yet?
Or Constables Ambrosiack Muse,
Made Dian, not his notes refuse?
Have all these done (and yet I misse
The Swan that so relish'd Pancharis)
And shall not I my Celia bring,
Where men may see whom I doe sing,
Though I, in working of my song
Come short of all this learned throng,
Yet sure my tunes will be the best,
So much my Subject drownes the rest.