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Sweet Truth I come at last to Kiss thy Hand
With maimed Sapphicks crippled
My dull Pentameters do stand
Wrinckled and rippled.
I in thine Honour do ingague my quill.
My very Heart I truely mean.
These muddy puddles do fulfill
Thy Holy breathed Veans.
Thou said'st a King after his Will should act.
Exalt himselve all gods above.
Great Words against the Lord Compact
His lofty tongue should move.
Romes Prelates shew this very thing in them.
Whose Thunderbolts knock Princes down.
And God, and Christ the precious Gem
They tush upon, and frown.
But on thou go'st. His Fathers God doth slight.
Desires of Women looks not on
Worships Maussim with Gold bright,
Silver, and Costly Stone.


These things Exactly shoot these darksom times
The Pope regards not Peters God.
Doth Harrass Wedlock from Divines:
To marri'd Priests a rod.
Poore Virgins by their parents misled Zeale
Or by their own, ennunnerizd,
May rather broile in lust or Steale
A Bed, than wed. So Sisde.
He Worship doth Mauzzim, Relicks, Saints
Nay roagues if in his Calender.
Images raisd in wealthy Paints
And Sweet as Lavender.
Charles Emperour on Peters Chappel gave
A four square golden Table bright,
Whereon he had engraved brave
Constantinople right.
On Peters Altar out there from him stems,
A Cloath made of his gold attire:
Two golden Crowns stuck thick with gems.
This Worship did grow higher.
Pope Adrian a Cross of mighty weight,
And Worth, presents Saint Peter; which
Lewis did send to Rome out right.
The Fisher now is rich.
Pope Stephen Quart doth daube Saint Barbary,
Saint Helen too, with glorious dress.
Made many golden Crosses fy.
Cups, Chargers for their gues[t]s.
Paschal built Praxis Abbie; and therein
Stoughd grecian Monks that night and day
Should to dead Saints there buried, Sing
In Speech unknown[,] and pray.
Sergy the Second Churches to them raisd
Some toombs up set. Relicks up stows.
Some tricks with Pictures all beglazd
In glorious ample Shews[.]
In the Tyburine Consill 'twas decreed
No wooden cups should used bee,
In Sacraments Now all proceed
In Silver, Gold degree.
Truth saith the Beast had two horns like a lamb.
And like the Dragon pate he speakes
Leo the fourth two Swords to bang
Church Steel, and Cesars takes[.]


A woman on a Scarlet Beast did Straddle
Full of the Names of Blasphemy:
Pope John the Eighth is Joane, in th'saddle.
Here is a Mystery.
This wracks Grammarians. Dad Mam's the same.
The Churche's Head's Hermaphrodite.
The mother Choice of Harlots plain
She Styled is by right.
It's Mother Church indeed. Whose He's a Hen.
That laid noe Addle Egge indeed
Although the Shell was broken when
She laid it making Speed.
Now Peters Chair is got with Child, is big
Blurts out a bastard grown a Whore.
Th'Abominable wanton, rig.
Hic now grows Haec impure.
Yet in her Hand she holds the Golden Cup
Filld with abominations greate.
Which still indeed is filling up.
And doth with vileness Sweat.
Doctors do give their drops into it, so
Haimo his Vineyard this Canary
Auricular Confession's to
Salvation necessary.
Bertram did anvill out the rod which by
Paschale is made the hobnaile sole,
Of Transsubstantiation's toy.
Plumpt in this Wassell boale.
Rabanus drops his spittle, Salt, and Oyle
Of a Baptismall Shape into
This Cup, making't a grease pot vile
And why, Good Doctor show.
And now Some Conjurer did in it drop
Red iron: Fire Ordeal.
And Scalding Water to un blot
Such deemed Criminall.
Constantinoples Synod, and Pope Dick
Put Image worship in this Cup.
The Divell now indeed is Sick
And this must Cheer him up.
Ments Counsill States, no Bishop Ist condemn
With Witness less than Sev'nty two.
Nor Priest than fourty four, good men.
This in the Cup they threw.


Triburies Counsill drops no wooden Cups
Shall used be in Sacraments.
Silver and gold are better tuts
And fitter for their tents.
Pope Sergy too the Second's dishclout wrings
And thence this drop fell in it plum:
An Agnus Dei Song that jings.
At Mass, be three times Sung.
Here is new melch his duggs drop in this jug
A Papall King-encrowning Right.
Leo the fourth doth milck his dug
These drops hence in it lighte.
Assumption: and Ascention dayes he brought.
He also dropt two Swords therein
Sacred and Civill Power he taught
In Peters Chair did Spring.
Pope Joane. (Good morrow now my masters all.
Its four a Clock: a fair good morn
Your Mastership men Madam call.
This doth the Cup adorn.)
As Zach'ries Spout dropt in it Sodomy,
Your Madam Pope a bastard dropt.
Here rich possesst virginity
Out of your Costrill hop't.
Pope Nick that Surly Sir, his nose drops in't.
Such Stuff as this, it is the right
Of Popes alone Synods to mint
And Bishops orders plight.
The Songs of Notgers Sequencies in France.
And Lanton-Wedden Prohibitions.
Vexatious Acts did in his dance.
And wicked Superstitions.
The Second Adrian his dram in't comes.
A Sacramentall Purge so sweet
For Prince, and Nobles that their bums,
Are wipt with winding Sheets.
These Papall Brewers tun into this Cup
Their filthie things which, when they've done,
They make all Kings, and Nobles Sup
And none shall from it run.


Princes they Priesterize. Brave Charloman
Is made a Deacon. Basills Son
His youngest Clergifide out Sprang.
Miters to Nobles run
Great Charles his Son Stoute Drogo's Bishop made
Of Metz. Ignatius Rangabis
Constantinople her hands laid
Upon, he bishop't is.
Charle's Sons were monkifide by Hildegard
And Pipins Son Charles, who was Duke
Of Aquetane had as is heard
Mente Bishoprick up tooke.
But this not all. Kings of this Cup must bib.
They Cuff them box them 'bout their Ears.
Lewis the Pious Wise must trig
Poore Judith drown in tears.
But worse and worse they grow. Lewis also
They kick out of th'Imperiall Throne
And in a Cuckow Cage him stow
For to repent, and groan.
They Soundly souce Lothair, who put away
Theitberg his wife and with their leave.
Yet when he weds with Waldrada
Their raging breath they breath.
The Excommunicating pellet flies
At him unless he put away
Waldrada, and Theitberg rise
Unto his Bridall play.
Poor King! Complain he doth of Peters Chair
As most unjust and Shares his realm
Unto his Sons: and Shaves his hair.
Sits at the Shavlings healm.
Pope Nick did thus as Gregory before
Had Pious Lewis boxt about
Who made his Sons above him Soare
In arms, and's eyes pick out.
These and such other prancks as these, these Done
In Snouting Kings attend upon
The Golden Cup likes Proes, not Cons,
And it omitteth none.


Hence we behold how truth doth dart her beams
Of Shining Glory through these dayes
Of Sour and darksom gadding theams
Hobgobling all mens wayes.
Wherefore my Conjue to thy Honours Shrine
My glorious Lord I sacrifice.
Most heartily seing thy Shine
In darkness glorious rise.
Grace, Patience, Justice, Rich Efficiency
And Truth Divine trod under foot
By Wickedness, shine sparklingly,
This makes my Hymns thus toote
And Harping praises thus I take my leave
In a Sweet Ditty tweedling thus
Of this ninth Century and bequeath
The tenth my Quill and blush.