University of Virginia Library


[Omniscient God, to whom alone]

Omniscient God, to whom alone
The thoughts of every heart are known,
Whose piercing eye the counsels sees
Of Britain's subtlest enemies;
The dark conspirators display,
And force them into open day.
Their hell without a covering lies,
Thou know'st them through their close disguise,
Who laid the well-concerted plan,
Who sprung the mine, and fired the train,
As sure to lay our cities low,
And end a nation at a blow.
But vain, without a nod of Thine,
The most infallible design:


They bring us down to ruin's brink,
They reach their chain's extremest link;
And when their fiery darts they shoot,
Thy wrath destroys them branch and root.
Thou hast, O God, Thy work begun;
But make their utmost evil known,
Drag out the whole assassin band,
Distinguish'd by the villain's brand,
And let impartial justice find
Those pests and outcasts of mankind.
But chiefly them, who dared employ,
And taught the wasters to destroy;
Make all the principals appear,
With all their black associates here,
Nor longer let the fiend conceal,
Those choicest instruments of hell.
Strengthen the powers Thou didst ordain,
Nor let them bear the sword in vain,
But turn its sharpest edge on them,
Who patient majesty blaspheme,
And for their country's fall conspire,
And doom Britannia to the fire.
Then as the rivers of the sea,
Turn back the people, Lord, to Thee,
To Thee, and to their king convert,
And plant Thy fear in every heart,
That every heart may faithful prove,
His God, his king, and country love.
Thy heavenly kingdom then restore,
Command that war be learn'd no more,
Pronounce the sacred number seal'd,
The mystery of God fulfill'd;


And Jesus shall His sway maintain,
And Glory shall for ever reign.