University of Virginia Library



Are there tidings in yon vessel
Proudly bounding o'er the wave?
Are there tidings for a mother
Who is mourning for the brave?
No, no, no!
She is freighted with fond tidings,
But no tidings from the grave.
Do not ask me why I hasten
To each vessel that appears;
Why I seem to cling so wildly
To one cherished hope for years;
No, no, no!
Though my search proves unvailing,
What have I to do with tears?
Do not blame me when I seek him,
With these wan and weary eyes;
Can you tell me where he perished?
Can you shew me where he lies?
No, no, no!
Yet there surely is some record,
When a brave young hero dies.
Had I watched beside his pillow,
Had I seen him on his bier;
Oh! I must have died of weeping,
But I cannot shed a tear!
No, no, no!
Let me still think I shall see him,
Let me still think he is near.