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Collected poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt

Edited by Kenneth Muir and Patricia Thomson

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[What shulde I saye]

What shulde I saye
Sins faithe is dede
And truthe awaye
From you ys fled?
Shulde I be led
With doblenesse?
Naye, naye, mistresse!


I promisid you
And you promisid me
To be as true
As I wolde bee,
But sins I se
Your doble herte
Farewell, my perte.
Thought for to take
Yt ys not my minde
But to forsake
One so unkind
And as I finde
So will I truste.
Farewell, uniuste!
Can ye saye naye?
But you saide
That I allwaye
Shulde be obeide;
And thus betraide
Or that I wiste,
Fare well, unkiste!