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In Charles the Bald's/Fat's time.
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In Charles the Bald's/Fat's time.


A dreadfull Murren of neat Cattle rose

In th'Country on the Rhine and in the town


Of Walsheim all the Countreys dogs, strange shows,
Came to devoure the Carrion tumbled down.
All in one day went in one troop away
No man knows whither, from those coast went they.
And after this there never more was seen.
A track of any one alive or dead.


An Earthquake shaketh Mentz, a famin keen


In Italy doth rage. Now Corn for bread

Was grown so deare they for a pound did way
Five hunderd Drams of Gold for to make pay.


When Arnulphs Army sieged Rome they start

A Leveret, which ran towards the Wall.
And it persu'de with Shouts, which did unheart
The Romans on the Walls that down they fall.
On whom on heap the Souldiers as on Stares
Climb up the Wall: and all things now are theirs
And now we see (grant histories are true)
Efficiency to ware a glorious shine
With Justice in her hand, this Century through,
In Instances miraculous and fine.
God rules and will Secure his Glory though
Things seem[in]gly run counterbuff thereto.