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The Works of William Fowler

Secretary to Queen Anne, Wife of James VI. Edited with introduction, appendix, notes and glossary by Henry W. Meikle

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Away from me ye plaintes & cryes
That all these comon louers frame;
No plainte may thoght of man devyse
That can vnfolde my secret flame.
The floodes sone fleit away
that haue no staye;
Who can his woes declare
he knowes no kynde of care;
but smuldred fyre, ye wote,
dothe burne moste hote;
So he that hydes his greife
Is martred with mischeife.
When I would showe one of the woes
Of many a thousand that I haue,
The sighs & sobbs my spreit so close
That no way can I mercye crave;
then leavs the blood my vaynes,
the teares downe raynes,
In feruent fyre I fleit,
in snowe I swelt with sweit;
The thinge that dothe me greve
should me releive;
dispairinge of all rewth
I murder vp my truthe.
Suche is my chance, suche is my lyffe,
So loue rewardes his seruantes trewe;
He bringes me with my self at stryfe,
And for anothers peace to sewe;
My hope dothe me deceaue,
no hap I haue.


What fury deip in hell
can halfe these tormentes tell?
A hart of hardest stone
would seme to mone
to see me in suche woes
as thoght cannot disclose.
O come, ye cruell sisters three,
That first my fatall threid did twyne!
What happie hand shall close myne eye,
Or wynde this carefull corps of myne?
O sing my deargy hear,
and bringe my beare!
Some wailfull wight, allas!
Ingraue in stone or brasse
This Epitaph in vearse
Vppon my hearse:
“heare lythe the truthe in grounde,
whose trewthe no rewthe yet found.”