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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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26 In commendation of Master Lewkeners sixt description of Uenice. Dedicated to Lady Warwick. 1595.

Lo, here's describ'd, though but in little roome,
Faire Venice, like a Spouse in Neptunes armes;
For freedome, emulous to ancient Rome,
Famous for counsell much, and much for Armes:
Whose stories earst written with Tuscan quill,
Lay to our English wits, as halfe conceal'd,
Till Lewkners learned trauaile and his skill,
In well grac'd stile and phrase hath it reueald.
Venice, be proud, that thus augments thy fame;
England, be kind, enricht with such a Booke,
Both giue due honor to that noble Dame,
For whom this taske the Writer vnder-tooke.