University of Virginia Library


There has something gone wrong
My brave boy, it appears,
For I see your proud struggle
To keep back the tears.
That is right. When you cannot
Give trouble the slip,
Then bear it, still keeping
“A stiff upper lip!”
Though you cannot escape
Disappointment and care,
The next best thing to do
Is to learn how to bear.
If when for life's prizes
You 're running, you trip,
Get up, start again—
“Keep a stiff upper lip!”
Let your hands and your conscience
Be honest and clean:
Scorn to touch or to think of
The thing that is mean;
But hold on to the pure
And the right with firm grip,
And though hard be the task,
“Keep a stiff upper lip!”
Through childhood, through manhood,
Through life to the end.
Struggle bravely and stand
By your colors, my friend.
Only yield when you must:
Never “give up the ship,”
But fight on to the last
“With a stiff upper lip!”