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Hymn for the Massachusetts Charitable Association.—Pierpont.

Hymn for the Massachusetts Charitable Association.—Pierpont.

Loud o'er thy savage child,
O God, the night wind roars,
As, houseless, in the wild
He bows him, and adores.
Thou seest him there,
As to the sky
He lifts his eye
Alone in prayer.
Thine inspiration comes!
In skill the blessing falls!
The field around him blooms,
The temple rears its walls,
And saints adore,
And music swells,
Where savage yells
Were heard before.
To honor thee, dread Power,
Our SKILL and STRENGTH combine;
And temple, tomb and tower
Attest these gifts of thine;
A swelling dome
For Pride they gild,
For Peace they build
An humbler home.
By these our fathers' host
Was led to victory first,
When on our guardless coast
The cloud of battle burst.


Through storm and spray,
By these controlled,
Our navies hold
Their thundering way.
Great Source of every art!
Our homes, our pictured halls,
Our thronged and busy mart
That heaves its granite walls,
And shoots to heaven
Its glittering spires,
To catch the fires
Of morn and even,—
These, and the breathing forms
The brush or chisel gives,—
With this, when marble warms,
With that, when canvass lives,—
These all combine,
In countless ways,
To swell thy praise;
For all are thine!