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[I sought the Lord in grief, in pain]

I sought the Lord in grief, in pain,
And cried for help, and cried again,
To Him my trouble show'd;
I pour'd out all my sad complaint;
Weary of sin, and sick, and faint,
My spirit gasp'd for God.
Even then my path to Thee was known,
When dark I walk'd, oppress'd, alone,
With snares and deaths beset;
I threw my mournful eyes around,
But no kind friend or helper found,
To stay my sinking feet.
In late despair of human aid,
I cried unto the Lord, and said,
“O Saviour, pity me!


Thou, only Thou, hast power to save;
My portion and defence I have,
My life, my all, in Thee!
“O lift me up by sin brought low;
Redeem me from my stronger foe,
From all the' oppressor's power;
Stronger Thou seest my sins than me;
But speak the word that sets me free,
And I shall sin no more.
“My soul out of the dungeon bring,
That I Thy conquering name may sing,
Thy saving grace proclaim;
That all Thy saints may praise Thy power,
Thine all-sufficient grace adore,
Thine all-redeeming name!”