University of Virginia Library



[All thanks and all praise To Thee will I give]

All thanks and all praise To Thee will I give,
O Lord, by whose grace Accepted I live;
My heart shall adore Thee, My mouth shall show forth
Thine honour and glory To gods of the earth.
Thy mercy, and love, And truth I proclaim;
With angels above, I hallow Thy name;
And turning me tow'rd The holiest place,
Thee, Father, adored, In Jesus I praise.
For Thou hast reveal'd Thy nature unknown,
Thy promise fulfill'd In Jesus Thy Son;
Exalted the Saviour And Friend of mankind,
That all in His favour Thy mercy may find.
When burden'd I cried For pardon to Thee,
Thy mercy replied, And bade me be free:
Thy Spirit that hour Came down from above,
And clothed me with power, And fill'd me with love.
The kings of the earth Thee, Jesus, shall praise,
And trust in Thy worth, And honour Thy grace!
Shall gladly adore Thee, Whose sayings they hear,
And sing to Thy glory, And walk in Thy fear.
For Jesus the Lord, Though lofty and high,
By angels adored, Looks down from the sky:
Who hates the unholy, And scatters the proud,
He lifts up the lowly, And brings them to God.
Although in distress, I labour and strive;
Thy comfort and peace My soul shall revive;
Thine arm shall relieve me From all that oppose,
Thy power—it shall save me, And baffle my foes.


Thy mighty right hand Their fury shall tame,
And cause me to stand Through faith in Thy name;
It still shall deliver Whom now it secures;
Thy mercy for ever And ever endures.
The Lord will make good His kindness to me,
Till, wholly renew'd, His glory I see,
My End and Beginning Shall fully restore,
And save me from sinning Till sin is no more.