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[Remember, Lord, the pious zeal]

Remember, Lord, the pious zeal
Of every soul that cleaves to Thee,
The troubles for Thy sake they feel,
Their eager hopes Thy house to see;
Their vows to cry, and never rest,
Till Thou art in Thy church adored,
And dwell'st in every faithful breast,
And count'st them worthy of their Lord.
We too the joyful sound have heard,—
That God is coming to His place,
Here in the wilderness prepared;
Our Lord His ruin'd church shall raise:
For this our willing soul shall go,
And lowly at His footstool lie,
Where'er His tent is pitch'd below,
And for a glorious temple cry.
Arise, O Lord, into Thy rest,
Thou, and Thy ark of perfect power!
God over all, for ever bless'd,
Thee, Jesus, let our hearts adore!
Thy priests be clothed with righteousness,
Thy praise their happy lives employ,
The saints in Thee their all possess,
And shout the sons of God for joy!
O for Thy love, Thy Jesu's sake,
Us, Thine anointed ones, receive,
In the Beloved accepted make,
And bid us to Thy glory live.


The Lord hath sworn in righteousness,
And seal'd the covenant with His Son,
“I will Thy faithful seed increase,
And 'stablish them on David's throne.
“If in My word Thy children stay,
And in their Saviour's footsteps tread,
The glorious gospel-truth obey,
The truth shall make them free indeed;
Renew'd and sanctified by grace,
The pillars shall no more remove,
A holy, chosen, perfect race,
Enthroned in everlasting love.”
For lo! the Lord a seed hath chose
His grace and glory to display,
His own peculiar people those
Whoe'er the gospel-call obey.
Sion,” He saith, “My rest shall be,
The faithful shall My presence feel;
I long for all who long for Me,
And will in them for ever dwell.
“I will increase their gracious store,
My Sion every moment feed,
And satisfy the hungry poor,
And fill their souls with living bread;
With garments of salvation deck
Her priests, and clothe with robes of praise;
Her saints their joy aloud shall speak,
And shout My all-sufficient grace.
“There shall the horn of David bud,
There I have set the lamp Divine;
The wisdom and the power of God
In Mine anointed Son shall shine:


Messias on My throne shall sit
Supreme till all His foes are slain;
Till death expires beneath His feet
The sinner's Advocate shall reign.”