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The Poems of John Byrom

Edited by Adolphus William Ward

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To a Friend in Trouble.


Dear Child, know this, that He Who gave thee Breath,
Almighty God, is Lord of Life and Death,
And all Things that concern them, such as these,—
Youth, Health, or Strength; Age, Weakness, or Disease!
Wherefore, whatever thy Affliction be,
Take it as coming from thy God to thee!
Whether to teach thee Patience be its End;
Or to instruct such Persons as attend,
That Faith and Meekness, tried by Suff'rings past,
May yield Increase of Happiness at last;
Or whether it be sent for some Defect,
Which He, who wants to bless thee, would correct,—
Certain it is, that if thou dost repent,
And take thy Cross up patiently, when sent,
Trusting in Him Who sends it thee, to take
For Jesus Christ His Son, thy Saviour's, Sake,
Wholly submitting to His blessed Will,
Whose Visitation seeks thy Profit still,—
All that thou dost, or ever canst endure,
Will make thy everlasting Joy more sure!
Take therefore what befalls thee in good Part,
As a Prescription of Love's Healing Art!
“Whom the Lord loveth He chastiseth too,”
Saith Paul, “and scourgeth with a Saving View.”


It is the Mark by which He owns a Child,
Without it not so honourably styl'd.
Fathers according to the Flesh, when they
Correct them, Children rev'rence and obey;
How much more justly may That Father claim,
By Whom we live eternally, the same!
They oft chastise thro' Humour of their own,
He always for our greater Good alone,—
Chast'ning below, that we may rise above,
Holy and happy in our Father's Love.
These Things, for Comfort and Instruction fit,
In Holy Scripture for our Sakes are writ,
That with a patient and enduring Mind
In all Conditions we may be resign'd;
And, rev'rencing our Father and our Friend,
Take what His Goodness shall be pleas'd to send.
What greater Good, considering the Whole,
Than Christ's Own Likeness in a Christian Soul
By patient Suff'ring? Think what Ills, before
He enter'd into Joy, our Saviour bore;
What Things He suffer'd to retrieve our Loss,
And make His Way to Glory thro' the Cross
The Way for us; He wanted none to make
But for the poor lost human Sinner's Sake;
For them He suffer'd more than Words can tell,
Or Thought conceive. Reflect upon it well,


Dear Child, and whether Life or Death remains,
Depend on Him to sanctify thy Pains;
To be Himself thy strong Defence, and Tow'r;
To make thee know and feel His saving Pow'r!
Still taught by Him repeat, “Thy Will be done”
And trust in God thro' His Belovèd Son.