University of Virginia Library


[Out of the deeps to Thee, O Lord]

Out of the deeps to Thee, O Lord,
I make my mournful cry;
Incline Thine ear unto my voice,
Thy ready help apply.
Who may the trial, Lord, abide,
If Thou shouldst be severe?
But pardoning love with Thee is found,
And, for we hope, we fear.
I wait for God, my soul doth wait,
And in His word I trust:
His word He surely shall fulfil,
And raise me from the dust.
In death's uncomfortable shade
I to the Lord will cry;
Till the day dawn upon my soul,
And Day-Star from on high.
How doth the whole creation groan,
To see that happy day;
To be renew'd, when sin, and pain,
And death no more shall stay!


O Israel, on the' almighty Lord
Thy whole affiance place;
How good, how plentiful is He
In kind redeeming grace.