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Works and Days, b. i. 1. 246.

“Consider, O ye kings, of judgment well;—
“For ever near among mankind there dwell
“Immortals, looking on with keenest eyes;
“Beholding when, regardless of the skies,
“With crooked judgments men each other rend.
“For thrice ten-thousand watchers ever tend,
“Guardians of Jove, on those of mortal birth;—
“With darkness clad they walk the peopled earth,
“Immortal spirits, through all place and time
“Noting the judgments and the deeds of crime.
“For Justice is the virgin-child of Jove,
“Glorious and reverenced by the Gods above.
“When one against her by ill ways hath striven,
“Anon she sits a suppliant in Heaven
“To her Saturnian sire; of deeds of ill
“And unjust men complaining loud, until
“A people for their Prince's crime atone,
“Perverting justice on the judgment-throne.”