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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 208.

[Fond Men, that would my glory stain]

Psal. 4. The Saints Security in God.

Fond Men, that would my glory stain,
My Government despise;
How long will ye pursue vain hopes,
And please your selves with lyes?
Know that the Lord does righteous Men
With special favour own;
Though ye despise me, he ne're will
On my Petitions frown.
Sin not, but fear; let quiet Thoughts
Instruct and make you wise;
Joyn a pure Heart with Trust in God,
As the best Sacrifice.
Though others in distrust of thee
To other succours fly,
Thou art our Hope, Lord, cast on us
A favourable Eye.
Thy Love more chears my heart than when
Their Corn has wish'd encrease;
Or when a happy, Vintage makes
Their Wine o'reflow the Press.


Down will I lye in peace, and sleep
Shall close my wearied Eyes;
No fear disturb me whilst I know
In God my Safety lyes.