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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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CXCIII. 2 Kings, Chap. VIII. Ver. 28, 29. and Chap. IX.

Joram wounded at Ramoth-Gilead. Jehu anointed King. He kills Joram, Ahaziah and Jezebel.

And now the Truth and Providence divine,
Will pay the Vengeance due to Omri's Line:
While Joram push'd strong Ramoth's Siege, a Place
That still was fatal to his impious Race,
A desp'rate Salley thence the Syrians made,
The wounded King to Jezreel is convey'd;
The while his Army in the Leaguer staid.
Thither a Prophet by Elisha sent,
To Jehu thus disclos'd high Heav'ns intent:
The Lord has thee his People's Captain chose,
Thy Hands shall take Revenge on all his Foes:
For all his Servant's Blood, for those which fell
By Ahab, and by faithless Jezebel:
Their Name to an entire Destruction doom'd,
Like Nebat's Son, or Baasha's Line consum'd:
Nor shall unplagu'd the Royal Murdress stay,
Nor any shall her Fun'ral Honours pay,
Her pamper'd Limbs to rav'nous Hounds a Prey.
To Jehu thus, the trembling Prophet said,
Then thro' the Crowd of Warriors broke and fled;


His Message heard, they Heav'ns Commands obey'd,
And to their Gen'ral Regal Honours paid.
Nor long the Chief their joynt Desires withstood,
His own Ambition veil'd with publick Good:
To Jezreel he by speedy Marches went,
So swift he drove he did his Fame prevent:
A Cloud of Dust the Centry first espy'd,
Then in full March a num'rous Troop descry'd:
Two Courrier's sent, Intelligence to gain,
The Strangers joyn, and in the Rear remain.
With small Attendance rash Jehoram goes,
By Ahaziah joyn'd, to meet his Foes,
And Jehu fac'd, in that unhappy Field,
Which Naboth only with his Life wou'd yield:
And is it Peace he to the Gen'ral cries?
What Peace canst thou expect, he, stern replies,
When thy lewd Mother's Charms the Throne disgrace,
And call for Plagues on thee and all thy Race?
He heard, his Hand he turn'd, and fled too late,
His Chariot-Wheels too slow for following Fate:
Strong Jehu to the Head an Arrow drew,
Pointed with Death, and singing as it flew:
Guided by Heav'n th'inevitable Dart
Jehoram's Armour pierc'd, and pierc'd his Heart:
Headlong he tumbles from his lofty Seat,
His quiv'ring Feet th'unguided Chariot beat.


In Naboth's Field the bleeding Body thrown,
Nor cou'd for murther'd Naboth's Life attone:
In vain unhappy Judah's Monarch fled,
By the fierce Guards pursu'd and left for Dead.
The Son of Nimshi like a Tempest drives,
And soon at Jezreel's spatious Gates arrives:
As a fell Tygress when her Whelps are slain,
Invades the Hunter's Spear, and does her Life disdain,
So fares fierce Jezebel when Jehu near;
Despair and Rage had left no room for Fear.
From the broad Window she look'd scornful down,
As his hot Wheels invade th'unguarded Town;
—Had trait'rous Zimri Peace, aloud she cry'd,
Whose Hands were in his Master's Murther dy'd?
He only thus—Are none on Jehu's side!
Th'Attendants heard, he bid 'em cast her down:
See where she head-long falls and drops her Crown!
She stains the Pavement with a sanguine Show'r,
And Dogs, as was fore-told, her mangled Limbs devour.