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In Lothair Reign begining 840.
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In Lothair Reign begining 840.

Lightning now flasht upon a man Consumd
Him up: but harmed not the Cloaths he wore.
By night a Cloud out of the North coast fum'd
One from the East; one from the South up bore.


With fiery Darts stood fighting, and at last

Like to an army fighting mixt was Cast.
Wheate bread in oven backt blacker than inck.
The Earth at Herbople shakes twenty times.
Hail, Storm, Ill weather man and beast make Shrinck.
And Chilians Temple Lightening calcines.


The wind did make the Wall equall the Soile

A Comet leads Lewis his Sons their broile.


An Earthquake rattles Benevent'um's Coast.

It ruins all Iserny did destroy
People and Priests, and many houses tost
Quite down at Vinients full Monastery.
At Padeburn two Circles round the Sun
Which vanisht, flames the town to ashes run.


A grievous Famine pinches Germany.

A man and's wife and son for Turing goe
He her consults the Child to kill, thereby
To stay their hunger. She diswades, saith no.
His sword he drew, spies two Wolves eating Deer.
He drove them thence, and feast on their good Cheere.


A woman bore a monster in the shape

Both of a man, and dog with bodies joynd
Intire, thus back to back glide. And the Ape
Pope John this year has Joan'd. And slunckt, we finde.


Constantinople takes an Earthquakes leap.

Storms Lightenings, Hail many of Life defeate.
In Leo's day the fourth a Basilisk
At Rome lurkt in its hole and did destroy
Many that passed by it's den till whiskt
Out of its den by Magick witchery
His Holiness did use. Good Pope thy spell
Can charm and Conjure Serpents pritty well.