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A. Regular Students:

General Requirements:

(1) For admission to the Department of Education a candidate must
meet the general requirements for admission to the University and also the
specific requirements as to number and selection of high school units required
for admission to the College of Arts and Sciences.


Page 287

(2) Admission of Women: For admission as regular students in the
Department of Education women, in addition to meeting the above general
requirements, must satisfy one of the following:

(a) File with the Dean of the Department a transcript of record from a
standard college showing the completion of at least 10 courses of acceptable
credit which should include the following:

Foreign Language  2 courses 
Mathematics  1 course 
Natural Science  2 courses 
History and Sociology  2 courses 
English  2 courses 
General Psychology or the History of Education  1 course 

(b) Present an official transcript of record showing the satisfactory
completion of the program of study leading to the normal diploma from a
standard teacher-training institution.

B. Special Students: (1) Graduates of colleges and universities other
than the University of Virginia, desiring to secure the necessary professional
training to qualify for the Collegiate Professional Certificate, may register in
the Department of Education and upon completion of the required professional
courses receive a certificate which will entitle them to the Collegiate
Professional Certificate issued by the State Department of Education.

(2) Men may be admitted as special students without fulfilling the entrance
requirements above specified, provided that, if they are Virginians,
they are more than twenty years old or, if they are not Virginians, they are
more than twenty-three years old, on the day of registration, and give adequate
evidence of serious purpose and of the training needed to pursue with
profit the courses for which they are registered. No special student may be
a candidate for a degree; but such students are permitted and encouraged
to make up deficiencies by private study or by taking courses in the Summer
Quarter. They will then be admitted as regular students, and may be
accepted as applicants for degrees, provided all entrance requirements are
met at least one academic year before the date of graduation.

An applicant who has regularly attended a secondary school until he is
twenty years of age without, because of failure, obtaining credit for 15 acceptable
entrance units, will not be accepted as a special student.

(3) Women, twenty-five years of age, giving satisfactory evidence that
they are qualified to pursue courses in Education successfully, may be admitted
as special students, even though they fail to show credit for the 10
courses of academic work required of women for admission to regular standing.

Graduation Requirements:

Requirements for Bachelor of Science in Education.—Candidates for the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Education shall offer in addition to the
credits presented for admission sufficient credits to bring the total to 20
courses. The subjects offered toward graduation are to be so chosen as to
make the full degree program consist of the following:


Page 288
Foreign Language  2 courses (in one language) 
Mathematics  1 course 
Natural Science  2 courses 
Social Science  2 courses 
English  2 courses 
General Psychology or the History
of Education 
1 course 
Education (including School Hygiene
and Sanitation) 
4 courses 
Electives  6 courses 
Total  20 courses 

Sequence of Required Courses in Education.

(a) Teachers in Secondary Schools:

Students preparing to teach in secondary schools are required to complete
the following courses:

  • Education B2—Educational Psychology

  • Education B7—Secondary Education

  • Education B11a—Special Methods in High School Subjects

  • Education B11b—Directed Teaching

  • Education B12—School Hygiene and Sanitation

The student must complete Education B2, Education B7, and Education
B11a before being admitted to Education B11b, "Directed Teaching."

(b) Teachers in Elementary Schools:

(c) Rural Supervisors:

Students preparing for Rural Supervision must complete the following:

  • Education B2—Educational Psychology

  • Education B3—Elementary School Supervision

  • Education B4—Directed Supervision

The student will be required to complete Education B2, and Education
B3 before being admitted to Education B4.

Elective Subjects: The elective subjects shall be chosen, subject to the
approval of the Dean, so as to provide the best preparation for recognized
teaching combinations in the secondary schools.

Comprehensive Examination:

A candidate for a Bachelor's degree must make a satisfactory standing in
the final comprehensive examination set by the faculty concerned in one of
the following professional fields of study:

  • 1. Teaching in secondary schools.

  • 2. Administration and supervision in secondary schools.

  • 3. Teaching in elementary schools.

  • 4. Elementary school administration and supervision.


Page 289

This examination shall be in lieu of separate final examinations in all
courses covered by the comprehensive examinations taken in the session of
graduation. It may be wholly a written examination or partly written and
partly oral.