University of Virginia Library

1850 -1875

Charlotte Temple: A Tale of Truth. By Susanna Rowson. 18mo, boards, pp. 140. New York. Richard Marsh, 1851.
*Has the same frontispiece and vignette as the Nafis edition of 1840.

— 18mo, boards, pp. 140. Philadelphia. William A. Leary & Co., 1851.
*From the same plates as the preceding.

— 24mo, pp. 165. cloth. New York. Leavitt & Allen, 1853.


Charlotte Temple: A Tale of Truth. By Susanna Rowson. 24mo, boards, pp. 165. Portrait. Philadelphia. Fisher & Bros., 1853.
*Besides the frontispiece portrait, the cover has another portrait, showing a different face and costume, and printed in colors.

— 24mo, boards, pp. 165. Portrait. Baltimore. Fisher & Denison, 1853.

— 24mo, boards, pp. 165. Portrait. New York. Fisher, 1853.

— 24mo, boards, pp. 165. Portrait. Boston. Fisher, 1853.
*This and the three preceding editions appear to have been printed from the same plates, or from duplicate sets, as the custom apparently then was with publishers, and as it had been twenty-five years earlier.

— 18mo. New York. 1853.

Love and Romance: Charlotte and Lucy Temple. By Susannah Rowson. Two volumes in one. 12mo, pp. 129. Philadelphia. Leary and Getz, 1854

— 18mo, pp. 133. Ithaca, N. Y. Andrus, Gauntlett & Co., 1855.

18mo. New York. [n. d.]

— 24mo, pp. 165. New York. Leavitt & Allen. [About 1860.]

— 24mo, cloth, pp. 165. New York. Leavitt & Allen Bros. [n. d.]

— 18mo. New York. 1864.

Charlotte Temple: The Lamentable History of the Beautiful and Accomplished, with an account of her elopement with Lieutenant Montroville [sic], and her misfortunes and painful sufferings are here pathetically depicted. 8vo, paper, with an appendix, pp. 59. Illustrated. Philadelphia. Barclay & Co., 1865.
*Already described on pages xxxiv and xxxv.


Charlotte Temple: A Tale of Truth. By Mrs. Rowson. 1874.
*Mentioned by Caroline H. Dall as having a large sale, but "wretchedly printed."

Love and Romance: Charlotte and Lucy Temple. By Susanna Rowson. 16mo, cloth. Two volumes in one. pp. 119, 129. Philadelphia. Lippincott, 1874.
*Though printed from small type, this is the best edition of those issued since 1855. It contains the Preface signed S. R., but the signature and the title, "Love and Romance," were never used by the author.

— Two volumes in one. 12mo, cloth, pp. 119, 129. New York. Hurst. [n. d.]
Printed from the same text plates as the preceding, but on larger paper, with a two-line border.

Charlotte and Lucy Temple. By Susannah Rowson. 24mo, vi., 5-254, frontispiece and vignette. London. [About 1875.]