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Scene I.

—A room in the house of Leontidas.
(Enter Leontidas; and a Boy carrying lights.)
Here,—bear these things into my chamber, boy:
Place them beside the door: then come again.
Art sure 'tis Philidas that gives this feast?
Dost know his house?—or who hath told thee so?


Oh yes, my lord; I know the house well. My brother
lives with Philidas; and, several days back, he told me of this


feast being toward:—and, but now, in passing, I saw great
lights there, and heard music and rejoicing.

Go now, and come again.
[Exit Boy.
What fopperies
Are these for men on whom a state depends!
How can the brain that every night is steep'd
In wine,—and whipp'd to froth by the smart lash
Of hare-brain'd witlings,—be fit counsellor
Where great state interests plead!—This Philidas
Grows hateful to me,—thrusting his soft pity
Between the traitor, and the threaten'd blow:—
He shall be crush'd erelong.—Turn'd reveller too!
And rich,—'tis said. Whence come his funds? And Philip
Hath lost at play thrice his paternal wealth,—
And yet hath princely means.—So Archias hath:
Yet his rare wines,—his ceaseless revellings—
His Tyrian-vested concubines—his jewels—
His gorgeous tapestries,—his gilded halls—
Great Jove!—why 'tis a monarch's state he keeps!
And still he's rich! Oh! I do much suspect
The iron sword of justice hath glanc'd off—
Touching on golden armour!
(Enter the Boy.)
Take these next:—
Dost know what other guests are there to-night?


I have not heard their names, my lord. Some dozen
nobles of the city:—and also some ladies of marvellous beauty,
later in the evening, are expected.

Women—didst say? What!—women at the feast?

Yes, my lord.

Here,—take away the rest. Then get thee gone.
Lie like a watchful cat before his door;—
And, when these women enter, bring me word.
I will reward thee. (Exit Boy.)
What! all decency

Laugh'd in the face!—What would the Spartan say,
To hear of women where the Archons feast?


Oh heavens! 'tis monstrous! Is it fit such men
Should fill with me the awful justice seat?—
What do I need of them?—Let them heed well,
Or I will shake them to the dust!—Great Jove!—
But they shall blush,—for, at their folly's height
I'll stand before them, and rebuke them all.
