University of Virginia Library


Almida. Soldiers at a distance.
'Tis done—I die, a self-devoted victim!
Thou only being who deserv'st my love!
For whom I wish'd to live, for thee I die,
For thee condemn'd—'tis well—then be it so!
Ha! all this infamy—a woeful father
Sunk to the tomb with shame! these chains—a scaffold!
Torments and death! can I support their horrors?
My soul shakes in me! hence unworthy terrors,
For Tancred I expire, and at this thought
Death loses all its anguish. They may snatch
A few unhappy moments, but disgrace
Or punishment it is not theirs to give;


My soul's above them, there they cannot reach me:
In this dread hour of fate one good remains,
The voice of virtue chearing from within;
Let this suffice! ah, Tancred! what a day
Is this for thee! Sophia! [to Sophia, who enters]
how thy sight

Revives my sinking heart! they have not then
Deny'd me this last comfort!

My lov'd mistress!
Would I had died before this cruel day!

I see the ministers of death approach;
My soul's last wishes bear to Tancred; tell him,
That faithful to our vows for him I die;
That his lov'd image, present to my soul,
Sooth'd every pang, and rendered death less bitter.