The Rival Ladies | ||
Scene the Second.
Enter Gonsalvo, Manuel, Hippolito, Amideo.Hip.
Nay, 'tis too true; for Peeping through a Chink,
I saw Don Rod'rick lying on a Bed,
Not Dead, as we suppos'd, but only Hurt;
So waited on as spoke him Master here.
Was there ever so Fatal an adventure?
To fly into that very Ship for refuge
Where th'only Person we would shun, Commands!
This Mischief is so strange it could not happen,
But was the Plot and Juggle of our Fate
To free it Self, and cast the Blame on us.
This is not yet our Fortune's utmost Malice;
The Gall-remains behind: This Ship was that
Which Yester-day was mine; I can see nothing
Round me, but what's familiar to my Eyes,
Only the Persons new; which makes me think
'Twas seiz'd upon by Rod'rick, to revenge
Himself on me.
'Tis wonderfull indeed.
The only comfort is, we are not known,
For when we Enter'd it was Dark.
That comfort
Is of as short continuance as the Night,
The Day will soon discover us.
Some way must be invented to get out.
Fair Julia, sadly pining by her Self,
Sits on her Bed; Tears falling from her Eyes
As silently as Dews in dead of Night.
All we consult of must be kept from her:
That moment that she knows of Rodorick's Life
Dooms us to certain Death.
'Tis well consider'd.
For my part, were not you and she concern'd,
I look on my own Life, like an Estate
So charg'd with Debts, it is not worth the keeping.
We cannot long be undiscover'd by them;
Let us then Rush upon them on the suddain,
(All hope of Safety plac'd in our despair)
And gain quick Victory, or speedy Death.
Consider first th'impossibility
Of the attempt; four Men, and two poor Boys
(Which added to our Number make us Weaker)
Against ten Villains, more resolv'd for Death
Than any ten among our Holiest Priests.
Stay but a little longer, till they all
Disperse to rest within their several Cabins,
Then more securely we may Set upon them,
And Kill them half before the rest can Wake:
By this means too, the Boys are usefull for us;
For they can cut the Throats of Sleeping men.
Now have I the greatest Temptation in the World to reveal
Thou art a Woman.
[To Amideo.
If 'twere not for thy Beauty, my Master should know
What a Man he keeps.
[To her.
Why should we have Recourse to desp'rate ways,
When safer may be thought on?
'Tis like giving the extream Unction
In the beginning of a Sickness:
Can you imagine to find all Asleep?
The wicked Joy of having such a Booty
And some, no doubt, will watch with Wounded Rod'rick.
What would your Wisdome now propose?
To say
That some of us are Sea-sick; (your Complexion
Will make th'excuse for us who are less Fair:)
So by good words and promises procure
We may be set Ashore, e'r Morning come.
O the deep Reasons of the grave Hippolito!
As if 'twere likely in so Calm a Season
We should be Sick so soon; or if we were,
Whom should we choose among us to go tell it?
For who ere Ventures out must needs be known;
Or if none knew us, can you think that Pyrats
Will let us go upon such easie terms
As promising Rewards?—Let me advise you.
Now we expect an Oracle.
Here are Bundles
Of Canvas and of Cloath you see lye by us,
In which one of us shall Sow up the rest,
Only some Breathing place, for Air, and Food;
Then call the Pyrats in, and tell them, we
For fear had Drown'd our selves: And when we come
To the next Port, find means to bring us out.
Pithily spoken!
As if you were to bind up Marble Statutes,
Which only bore the shapes of Men without,
And had no need of ever easing Nature.
There's but one way left, that's this:
You know the Rope by which the Cock-boat's ty'd,
Goes down by th'Stern, and now we are at Anchor,
There sits no Pylot to discover us;
My Counsel is, to go down by the Ladder,
And being once there, unloose, and Row to Shore.
This, without doubt, were best; but there lies ever
Some one or more within the Boat to watch it.
I'l slide down first, and run the Venture of it;
You shall come after me, if there be need,
To give me Succour.
'Tis the only way.
Go into Julia then, and first prepare her
With knowledge of the Pyrats, and the danger
Her Honour's in among such Barb'rous people.
Leave it to me.
Hippolito and Julia,
My Rivals, like two pointed Rocks appear;
And I through both must to Gonsalvo steer.
[Exeunt all but Hippolito.
As from some steep and dreadfull Precipice,
The frighted Travellour casts down his Eyes,
And sees the Ocean at so great a distance,
It looks as if the Skies were sunk below him;
Yet if some Neighb'ring shrub (how weak soe'r)
Peeps up, his willing Eyes stop gladly there,
And seem to ease themselves, and rest upon it:
So in my Desp'rate state, each little comfort
Preserves me from despair: Gonsalvo strove not
With greater care to give away his Julia,
Than I have done to part with my Gonsalvo,
Yet neither brought to pass our hatefull wish:
Then we may meet, since different ways we move,
Chasing each other in the Maze of Love.
[Exit Hippolito.
The Rival Ladies | ||