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A Tragedy

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Montezuma's Palace.
Enter Montezuma.
Thank heav'n! the horrors of suspence are over,
And peace, too long a stranger to my bosom,


Again revisits my distemper'd heart.
Like mine own subject lake, when hush'd the billows
That ruffled its smooth surface, my vex'd mind
Resumes its customary calm. The Spaniard
Commits himself to me, a willing hostage,
Bound by strong oaths of lasting amity.
Telasco too—He is himself a host,
Unmatch'd in arms, the idol of the people.
While I have him—and he is now mine own—
I fear no foes; I am invincible,
And laugh at the vain legends of my priests,
Who in the hour of peril, when strange fears
Disturb'd my wayward fancy, wrought upon me,
And with their wild chimeras rack'd my brain.
Enter Orozimbo.
Well—what report'st thou of our new allies?

When I had executed my commission,
I left them to reposee. They seem'd well pleas'd
With what thy princely bounty had provided,
And, as I came away, their leader, Cortez,
Charg'd me to bear to thee his grateful thanks,
And humble hope that thou would'st still continue
To him and his thy favour and protection.

He may rely upon't.—Thou may'st retire.
[Exit Orozimbo.


This gallant Spaniard merits all my care:
He shall have ample proofs of my esteem
Ere he depart, more than his hopes e'er aim'd at.
What if I go to him? 'Twere well imagin'd.
An honour so unlook'd for would excite
A strong sensation in his gen'rous heart.
I'll do it instantly—But, as I live,
Hither he comes.
Enter Cortez, Velasquez, and Soldiers.
Welcome, most noble Cortez!
Thou hast forestall'd my purpose. I had plann'd
To visit thee.

I could not wait thy leisure.
Stubborn necessity, which o'erleaps rule,
Compell'd me hither.—Prince! thou hast deceiv'd me.

I a deceiver!

Yes—thou and thy people
With treach'rous purpose 'gainst me have conspir'd.
Are not thy troops on ev'ry hand assembling?

Dismiss such groundless fears: they are unworthy
Of a great soul like thine. Thou hast my faith.

I have, and now can estimate it rightly.


But wherefore lose we time in vain discourse?
I come not here to parley: no smooth words,
No specious promises will now avail thee.
I must have more substantial evidence
Of thy sincerity.

What dost require?

Such as alone can give security:
A hostage—an effective pledge—thyself.
Go with us to our fortress.

I go with you?
Give myself up a captive? This to me,
To Montezuma? Am I bearded thus
In mine own palace?—Ho! my guards!

Be silent!
Breathe but a word, and to thy inmost heart
Shall pierce my weapon.—Circle him around!
Forward!—Now, Mexico, I have secur'd thee!
