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A Tragedy

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Enter Inguiomer, followed by Officers and Soldiers.
Ye Gods of Germany, forgive your soldier,
If overpow'r'd by number I retreated,
To save my gallant warriors from the sword.
What man could dare, I ventur'd. Witness for me
This blunted sabre, and this shiver'd javelin,
And this my shield with honourable marks
Pierc'd and indented.

In your country's cause
Your zeal and ardour have been long the theme
Of gen'ral praise.

Yet to be thus compell'd
To raise the siege, afflicts and goads my heart.
It withers all my laurels.

Does my father
Follow the Roman banners?


Yes; Segestes
Is fix'd in guilt. Ere this, brave Segimund,
The castle has surrender'd to the Romans.

And is Veleda, is my sister left
To pine in bondage? Must Arminius' swife
Be led in sad captivity to Rome?

Too sure she must: her father wills it so.

This vile indignity with ten-fold rage
Will fire our gallant chief; will kindle fury
In ev'ry German breast, and send the javelin
Launch'd with redoubled vigour to its mark.

Thou brave young man, had your heroic virtue
Inspir'd Segestes, he had now been happy,
Lov'd by Arminius, honour'd by his country;
But now the tainted rebel brands his name.

He seiz'd me in his arms, and from my friends
Bore me unconscious, yet of tender years,
To join the Romans. At the Ubian altar
Administer'd an oath; an impious oath,
To list me in his league against my country.
Three years have pass'd, since last these eyes beheld him.
I scarce should know him now. As soon as reason
Dawn'd on my soul, I saw the horrid guilt
Of waging war against my native land.
I fled through forests drear; I lurk'd in caves,


And roam'd from place to place, from state to state,
Till late I join'd the standard of Arminius.

Yonder I see him; Lo! he comes this way.