University of Virginia Library

SCENE changes, and shows Favonia asleep on a Couch in an undress.
Junius returns.
She consecrates the Place, where e're She is,
With reverence: We enter Temples so.
Where are the Terrors, that shou'd keep me back?
Her frowns, the greatest, are disarm'd in sleep.
O may the softest down of sweet repose
Receive thee gently on the Bed of Peace,
And fold thee close in the kind arms of rest:
That undisturb'd, this Opportunity
May now be mine, to feed my famisht Eyes.
The sickning light is envious, and grows pale,
With looking on her: 'tis a sight indeed
For the high mounted Sun, in all his Pride,
To stop, and wonder at—let me fix here—
Stretch wide the Gates of sight to take her in,
In the full triumph of her conquering charms.
My eager Eyes devour her Beauties up,
Insatiable, and hungring still for more.
O! the rich Glutton, that enjoys this store!
Nothing to spare from superfluity,
To feed my wants, my Feaver burns me up,
O! let me quench it at this healing Spring.
The Spring is sacred; a Divinity
Protects the place; thrice happy, happy, he
Who may plunge in, and bathe, and wanton there.
But I may taste the coolness of the stream.
And I will drink the Cordial of a kiss,
From this dear hand, reach'd out to comfort me.
(kneels, and kisses her hand.


She wakes!
Virginius and Pacuvius at the Door entring.
What noise! I may retire unseen.

A Man here with my Wife! O give me way

(Breaks from Pacuvius.
Who's there? my Lord?

Where is the Villain? where?

(Runs after Junius.
O! where indeed? my Father! on my knees
Let me protest, and swear my Innocence.
I am betray'd, and lost.

Thou art indeed.

(Virginius returns.
This was contriv'd, and lay'd for his escape:
And this Apartment fitted, and prepar'd
To be the Scene of their adulterous Lust.
Where is there such another Wretch on earth?
Ruin'd, undone in every interest,
Betray'd, and ruin'd in my dearest trust!
But I will be the Executioner
Of my just rage, and here begin revenge—

Strike home, it is the Sword of Justice now.

Have you condemn'd her?

I applaud the deed.

(She opens her arms.
I wonnot kill thee in thy Fathers sight.
That were to act a murder upon him.
Here, take her, Sir, I give her up to you.
Your Houses honour is engag'd with mine.
Do with her what is fit for you, and me.
You are her Judge, condemn, or set her free.
