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enter Sir Francis Caster; James Selcottage; Sir Rancefort Bloteface; Sir Petronell Flash, Mr Scatterbraine, as to their mistresses.


Sir Fran.
the newes I heare is certainely confirmd,
rich plutus is deceas'd, & is retyr'd
to his low mansion: & hath left us all
faire expectations.—

Sir Pet.
blessed be that atome
that every potent moment, of deare time,
In which the fates that are most sharpe
with cruell sheares his thread of life did carpe.

Mr Scatter.
I se time can doe much in the changes
of weighty, & necessitous affaires.
come lets take leave of phryne, & cytheris
& take a taste of Waries funerall,
where weel be merry, blithe, & Joviall,
when others weep, our gallants laugh; & singe.
cause others mischiefes do them comfort bringe.

James Sel.
wel lets to phryne, then: & Cytheris,
the son behind a cloud sometimes, is more gratefull
at's next appearance.

away away to phryne.

Sir Pet.
Thus from the Taverne to our doxeys wee
doe walk in state, & passe in majesty:
from Bacchus unto venus wise men passe;
and from good wine unto a pretty lasse.