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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. VII.

The Argument.

As Semei
Full wickedly
at Dauid shewed his spite
So who with lye
Is charged hie
may pray this Psalme aright.

Domine deus meus in te.


O Lord in thee: my trust I see,
for why my God thou art:
From men vntrue: which me pursue
saue me and take my part.



Lest he deuour: my soule so stoure,
as Lyon doth the sheepe:
Lest pieces small: he make of all,
if none be me to keepe.


O God my Lord: let truth record,
if this in me do stand:
Let it be sought: if guile I wrought,
if euill done hath my hand.


If I good will: haue taken euill,
to frende that frendly delt:
Yea quit did I: my enemy,
when causeles hate I felt.


Then let my foes: worke all their woes,
and take my soule in spite:
Let them confound: my life to ground,


my name in dust to wright.


O rise in ire: Lord I desire,
my wrathfull foes represse:
Stirre vp to me: thy set decree,
which once thou didst expresse.


So folke in streete: on heapes will meete,
in church to prayse thy might:
For all their sake: my partie take,
rayse vp thy selfe on hight.


The Lord iudgeth all: as truth befall:
O sentence geue my side:
To my desert: stand Lord in hart,
as iust my workes be tried.



Let euill I pray: consume alway,
of wicked men the traynes:
Oh guide the iust: true God of trust,
thou triest both hartes and raynes.


No helpe of man: obteyne I can,
my God is all myne ayde:
He them preserueth: that well deserueth,
whose hartes to right be layde.


God iudge he is: full right iwis,
both strong and patient:
Who dare prouoke: his heauy stroke,
to ire when he is bent.


Except ye tourne: your life in fourme,
his sword he myndth to whet:
His bowe to bend: he doth entend,
it is so ready set.


Deathes dartes most hard: he hath preparde,
against their pride and wrong:
His arrowes bright: be prest to smight,
these persecutors strong.


Behold and see: how traueleth hee,
to do all wickedly:
Conceyued hath hee: anxietie,
but beare he shall a lye.


To delue and digge: a pit so bigge,
his hart was wholy bent:
But he in pit: shall fall in it,
that he so crafty ment.



For iust in speede: his wrathfull deede,
with hym shall meete at gate:
His wickednes: in spitefulnes,
shall fall vpon hys pate.


In hart all whole: I will extoll,
this Lord as he deserue:
I will record: this heauenly Lord,
his name I meane to serue.