University of Virginia Library



All the sweets of all the honey-bells
Gathered to a flask or pomander,
All the gold of honey-dropping wells,
Spice and amber, oil and nard, were there.
Walls of gold beside the purple bay,
And a thousand thousand golden bees
Rifling honey through the golden day,
Clogged in honey to the thighs and knees.
Birds sang low and loud in a hid house,
Dew and honey in the shaken rain.
O the speckled throats in the green boughs!
Half 'twas ecstacy and half 'twas pain.
As we walked between the golden walls,
The brown cliff ran over living gold;
Golden rain and golden waterfalls
Tumbling down to sands, sober and cold.
All the browns and tawnies, deep and bright,
Of a golden pansy clad the hill,
Nor were peacocks' colours out of sight
Nor forgotten orange and daffodil.
Sweet the day was, a sweet pomander,
Gathered from the East, all nard and spice,
Blown upon by every honeyed air,
And the golden world was Paradise.