University of Virginia Library



This holy body where Thou hast kept
For a brief season watch with me,
It shall not go unpraised, unwept,
When it shall break to set me free.
At its low door Thou hast come in,
And in Thy passage made it bright;
The poor stones where Thy feet have been
Turn now to rose and diamond light.
Face downward on my dusty floor,
Angels have bowed since Thou wert there,
And made it clean Thine eyes before,
Swept by their feathers and their hair.
Fragrances linger, a sweet smoke
Blown backward from Thy royal way,
So all the envious heavenly folk
Guess Thou wert here at break of day.


This body is now Thy holy house
Where Thou didst come and sit at feast,
While all the golden birds in boughs
Acclaimed the Day-Star and my Guest.