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By the Cornlaw Rhymer [i.e. Ebenezer Elliott]. In two volumes

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Dupe sells his all for lies!
Work thinks Sir Swindle wise—
Pays, and departs,
Signing for fifties ten:
Swindle wastes Millions, then!
Rabbit-Skin Railways thrive!
Bus-ma-cu's monkey's drive
Jobs o'er crush'd hearts!


What, now, are land and gold?
Gambler's bets, bought and sold!
Clerk means M.P.!
Lords knee George Hum the Fifth:
Hum gives lord Numb a lift:
Greedy's “Great God” is Hum!
God! what a day will come,
When the blind see?

They who could, and do not, prevent an evil, are, in part, its authors. Our law-making class, who are said to have gained more by the late Railway-Madness than any other class, could have prevented that madness, without leaving us one railway too few, by enacting that no projector of a Railway should cease to be a shareholder until the work was finished; and that no share in any unfinished railway (such shares being mere bets in writing,) should be saleable, or legally depositable as a security for money lent. But a further enactment is necessary for the safety of good-faith shareholders in all joint-stock companies. No deviation from an obtained Act of Parliament, if it would involve an additional outlay of twenty-five per cent. or more, should take place without the consent first had in writing of two-thirds of the shareholders in number and value; their consent to be afterwards confirmed by the majority of a public meeting, specially called.