University of Virginia Library


St. Paul's, of St. Helena.

An Appeal, written by request.

Beautiful Isle! where the Exile of Glory
Sank to his rest, like the sun in the sea,—
Fair St. Helena,—his fate and his story
Are not the best that we boast of in thee;
No! nor is even the bloom of thy beauty
Finest and first in the glen or the height,
But—where thy children in love and in duty
Earnestly worship The Father aright!
Lo now! this fruit of their pious devotion
Grows, like a cedar on Lebanon's side;
Slowly, “St. Paul's,” the Church of the Ocean,
Rises to brighten Atlantic's dark tide!
Thither, shall soon be gladly repairing
Sons of the stranger, with sons of the soil,—
Thither, poor Africa's children, preparing
Thanks for their freedom from tyrannous toil.
Soon? but how soon?—Right heartily speed it,
Ye that fear God, and are loving to man!
Haste with your aid,—they ask it, and need it;
Help the good work with the best that you can:
What St. Helena is nobly beginning
Stand by her, England! to finish it all,
And, by the souls that your zeal will be winning,
Crown with its topstone The Church of St. Paul!