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The Five Notions

By T. W. H. Crosland

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A fat man went out walking,
The morn was fresh and fair,
The fat man, being light of heart,
Whistled a trivial air.
And, suddenly, round a corner,
He met a publisher.
“Heaven prosper you, young gentleman,
And a blessing on our tryst.
Here is a little paper—
Nay, take it—I insist—
You'll fine it most informing:
It is my new Spring list.
“To-day I publish ‘Incense’—
‘For those who are perplexed.’


A tale of love and dogma,
A sermon without text.
The twentieth large edition
Is due on Wednesday next.
“Also I publish ‘Barge Poles’—
The work of many years;
A wealth of blinding hepigram
On every page appears.
When G. M. read this novel
He bursted into tears.
“Also, I have now ready
‘The Sage upon the Roof,’
A book of curious diction
And philosophic spoof,
Which Mr. Tumty Tumtum
Has kindly read in proof.
“And as to Love-Love Letters—
Why—bless your heart!—of course
I'm bringing out, immediately,
‘Belinda and the Force,’
'Twas sent for publication
From a non-existent source.


“Ah, yes, the other people—
They are a trifle slow;
They haven't got the least idea
Who wrote their stuff, I vow.
In this case it is different
The author does not know.”
“Kind sir,” quoth Mr. Fatman,
“You do me good. God wot,
Your books are excellent reading
Whether they are or not.”
And being fat and foolish
He went and bought the lot.