University of Virginia Library


MELODY NINTH. Genesis, VII. 10, &c.

The wind arose, the sky was dark,
No lay was heard from thrush or lark,
Nor swelling wave did stir the Ark,
That sacred safe menagerie:
Till frowning gloom grew darker still,
And sackcloth topp'd each tow'ring hill,
And fear began each breast to fill,
When lightnings burst forth brilliantly.
Then woke the thunder's awful roar,
More dire than e'er was heard before;
And down the heavens their torrents pour,
Round all the black convexity.
In vain do man and beast now fly
For refuge to the mountains high;
The quaking heart and streaming eye
Can not avert their destiny.
The surges swell with rapid sweep,
And cities sink within the deep,
While crowds, assembled on each steep,
See earth turn ocean suddenly.
Both night and day they trembling stand,
Or roam in search of higher land;
But, follow'd by the murd'rous strand,
They sink into eternity.
The rains now stop, the sky is clear;
And now, a shoreless ocean drear,
Earth rolls, a glitt'ring wat'ry sphere,
Beneath the crystal canopy.
Till Ararat's high mountains rise
Majestic to the smiling skies,
Whereon the Ark, safe-moor'd, now lies
In absolute security.