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Shrill blew the blast when Edwy died,
And murky was the sky;
And gemmy dew like orient pearl,
Y'flowd from Emma's eye.
Farewell, lov'd youth! “thou'rt gone,” she cried,
Whiles I thy loss must weep;
Yet soon, sweet love, I'll follow thee,
And share death's dampy sleep.


Then sorrowing stray'd, the love-lorn maid,
And wept at Edwy's grave;
A laurel garland she had twin'd,
For Emma's love was brave.
Oft in the bloody conflict's heat,
He dar'd the threat'ning foe;
Whiles she his lonely love had sat,
And silent pin'd with woe.
The wind was hush'd, the palid moon,
Display'd her silv'ry sphere;
The maid was chill, the maid turn'd pale,
The maid was struck with fear.
Slowly her timid eye she rais'd:
A spectre form was seen
With meagre cheek, and deadly hue,
It was her Edwy's mien.


The night blast rose; a moaning sigh
Swell'd on the passing air:
“My love adieu,” the vision cried,
“Farewell my Emma fair!”
She shriek'd; she sunk upon the sod,
But when her gaze she rear'd,
The wind grew calm; the moon beam'd forth,
The phantom disappear'd.
“List, list, once more my true-love calls;
“His mandate I obey.”
She kiss'd the turf; then heav'd one sigh
That bore her soul away.

Did flow.