University of Virginia Library



Oh 'tis smoother than the gravel—
Oh 'tis firmer than the sand—
This fair road whereon we travel
Towards the heart of Holy Land!
It is straighter than an arrow,
It is level as a lake;
It has never seem'd too narrow;
It is one without a break:
From its first divine beginning
To its nigh and nearing end,
We are wooing, we are winning,
Something better than a friend.
So we neither faint nor falter,
As we walk along the way.
Nothing now can check or alter
What we feel and what we say.
What we feel is always utter'd;
What we say is always true;
Nought is hid and nought is mutter'd
In the talk between us two.
For we speak with one another
In a world where none are near:
Not a sister, not a brother,
Ever comes between us, here.


We are all alone, and moving
Calmly westward, like the sun:
And we shall not cease from loving
When the long sweet day is done.